MSI lancia due attesissime schede grafiche: N480GTX-M2D15 e N470GTX-M2D12. Entrambi i modelli si basano sui nuovissimi chipset 40nm NVIDIA GPU con il nome in codice ‘Fermi’. Tutte con memoria grafica GDDR5, Componenti Military Class e l'esclusivo software MSI Afterburner per overclocking, queste schede garantiscono grandi performance senza precedenti ai giocatori di tutto il mondo.
Maggiore Potenza di Processo per Ultra Realistiche Performance 3D
La MSI N480GTX-M2D15 e N470GTX-M2D12 dispongono delle GPU a 40nm NVIDIA Fermi con rispettivamente 480 e 448 CUDA cores. Supportano standard DirectX 11, OpenCL e OpenGL,e si presentano con velocissima memoria GDDR5 per soddisfare i giochi più esigenti.
Coupon CAPCOM Omaggio con 3-in-1 Giochi
Per lasciare esprimere queste schede con la loro massima potenza, MSI le mette in bundle con un coupon omaggio CAPCOM con 3-in-1 giochi*, che permette ai videogiocatori di scaricare uno tra i seguenti giochi: Street Fighter IV, Dark Void e Resident Evil 5.
MSI Afterburner con Burn-in Test e GPU Voltage Control
La N480GTX-M2D15 e N470GTX-M2D12 possono essereutilizzate con l' esclusivo software Afterburner per offrire ottimali performance. Oltre a modificare memoria clock e della GPU, il software Afterburner è inoltre in grado di overvoltare la GPU per incrementare il potenziale massimo in overclocking. Il Kombustor burn-in test pemette agli utenti di trovare i migliori e stabili settaggi quando si porta la scheda ai suoi massimi limiti.
Componenti Military Class: Massima Stabilità
Per assicurare stabilità e durabilità, sia la N480GTX-M2D15 che la N470GTX-M2D12 sono equipaggiate con diverse Componenti Military Class come Hi-c CAPs, Tutti condensatori Solidi e Resistenze allo stato solido (SSC). Le SSC eliminano anche il fastidioso ronzio invece presente in quelle standard.
Esclusiva NVIDIA: 3D Vision Surround, CUDA e PhysX
Le MSI N480GTX-M2D15 e N470GTX-M2D12 supportano le esclusive tecnologie NVIDIA 3D Vision Surround, CUDA e PhysX. Ciò permette un maggiore incremento nei giochi 3D per ricreare una più immersiva esperienza 3D. Con la tecnologia CUDA, la GPU può spegnere la CPU ed assisterla nei pesanti calcoli matematici. Ciò si traduce con un grandissimo incremento delle performance di intrattenimento ed un generale miglioramento nelle applicazioni.

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Taipei - Taiwan - Urged over and again until it appeared! In order to fulfill the demand for extreme 3D performance of hardcore gamers, internationally renowned motherboard and graphic card brand- manufacturer MSI launched today the long expecting premium graphic cards N480GTX-M2D15 and N470GTX-M2D12. Both models are built with the latest 40μm GPU coded Fermi from NVIDIA. Along with the advanced GDDR5 graphic memory, military class components, and the MSI-exclusive Afterburner overclocking software for voltage adjustment to increase performance up to 15%, these graphic cards can absolutely bring gamers to experience the unprecedented extreme performance!
Additionally, both N480GTX-M2D15 and N470GTX-M2D12 support the latest DirectX 11 and 3D drawing standard of Microsoft and the 3D Vision Surround and PhysX technologies exclusively from NVIDIA to deliver true 3D gaming experience. Also, consumers can get a CAPCOM 3-in-1 coupon to download one of the following games for free: Street Fighter IV, Dark Void and Resident Evil 5 in order to enjoy the 3D gaming effect beyond their imagination with the 3D glasses and screen.
Support MSI Afterburner's exclusive Voltage Adjustment and Burn-in Functions
In order to deliver optimal performance, the N480GTX-M2D15 and N470GTX-M2D12 support the Afterburner overclocking software exclusively from MSI. Apart from the common GPU and memory clock adjustment, the Afterburner is equipped with the GPU voltage adjustment feature to enhance the potential of GPU overclocking. The Kombustor burn-in program allows users to find the optimal overclocking extreme. With just a few simple procedures, users can easily enhance the graphic card performance to enjoy the ecstasy of overclocking.
3D Vision Surround, CUDA and PhsyX exclusively from NVIDIA
Built with NVIDIA's latest 40μm Fermi GPU, the N480GTX-M2D15 and N470GTX-M2D12 can fully support the 3D Vision Surround and PhysX technologies exclusively from NVIDIA to display special effects in 3D games. With the CUDA technology, the GPU can share the CPU computing workload in the presence of software support for graphic cards to significantly enhance the performance of entertainment and general computing.
Ultra-stable Military Class Components
In order to ensure product stability, both N480GTX-M2D15 and N470GTX-M2D12 are equipped with various military class components, such as Hi-c CAP, All Solid CAP, and SSC (Solid State Choke), to significantly enhance system stability and maintain operation stability and extend product life even in a high-loading environment. Also, the SSC that eliminates the high frequency noise in traditional chokes is a thoughtful design integrating stability and silence; thus adding credits to the products.
News Source: MSI Press Release