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NEC annuncia il monitor ecologico AccuSync AS231WM 23-inch

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02.04.2010 - NEC annuncia il monitor ecologico AccuSync AS231WM 23-inch

Con il comunicato stampa di seguito allegato, NEC Display Solutions of America ha annunciato il monitor a basso consumo e impatto ambientale con diagonale da 23-inch siglato AS231WM, nell'ambito della ben nota gamma di soluzioni LCD AccuSync.

Il nuovo AS231WM è indirizzato all'impiego nel piccolo business e negli uffici in generale; va a rafforzare l'offerta di NEC nel settore dei monitor ecologici, che già include i modelli AS171, AS191, AS191WM e AS221WM (la nuova device è conforme sia con ENERGY STAR 5.0 che con TCO 5.0).

Tra le feature elettroniche del display citiamo il supporto della risoluzione nativa di 1920 x 1080 pixel, il rapporto di aspetto di 16:9, il rapporto di contrasto di 1000:1, la luminosità pari a 250 cd/m2, il tempo di risposta di 5ms, gli ingressi di tipo VGA e DVI-D con HDCP.

L'AS231WM, che vanta un consumo di potenza pari a 0.4W in modalità Power Saving, sarà lanciato sul mercato a maggio con un prezzo stimato per l'utente finale pari a $269.

[Immagine ad alta risoluzione]

[Immagine ad alta risoluzione]

CHICAGO - April 1, 2010 - Building upon its industry position in green technologies, NEC Display Solutions of America, a leading provider of commercial LCD display and projector solutions, announced today its latest environmentally friendly display, the AccuSync AS231WM LCD monitor. 

Targeted to small-to-medium sized businesses (SMBs) as well as education and government users, the AS231WM joins four other green monitors in the AccuSync Series (AS171, AS191, AS191WM and AS221WM), which all bear EPEAT Silver ratings as well as ENERGY STAR 5.0 and TCO 5.0 compliance.

The AS231WM widescreen display consumes 50 percent less energy and contains 50 percent less mercury content than conventional monitors of the same size.  In addition, ECO Mode technology lets end-users toggle between energy-saving modes, helping to significantly reduce power consumption, heat generation and extend the life of the display.

"Coupled with its affordable price point, this 23-inch AccuSync display builds upon NEC's leadership in green technologies," said Lynn Gu, Product Manager of NEC Display Solutions.  "The wide format allows end-users to be more productive by expanding their work area so they can view multiple application windows at the same time. Also, the unique touch-integratable feature empowers diverse business applications."

The AS231WM comes with Ambix dual-input technology, which allows for digital/analog compatibility with upgraded video cards and software, as well as connections to two systems.  In addition, Rapid Response technology delivers virtually uninterrupted, undistorted viewing of high-speed, full-motion video.

A partial list of features of the AS231WM display includes:

  • Native resolution of 1920 x 1080
  • 16:9 aspect ratio
  • 1000:1 contrast ratio
  • Brightness of 250 cd/m2
  • 0.4W consumption in Power Savings Mode and Power Off
  • 5ms Rapid Response time
  • VGA and DVI-D with HDCP connectivity
  • Tilt adjustability
  • Touch-integration capabilities
  • Integrated, space-saving, down-firing multimedia speakers with headphone jack
  • ECO Mode for significant power-consumption savings
  • Carbon footprint meter, which allows users to easily track carbon savings
  • EPEAT Silver rating
  • ENERGY STAR 5.0 compliance
  • TCO 5.0 compliance
  • Certified for Windows 7, Vista and XP

The new AS231WM display will begin shipping in May 2010 with an estimated street price of $269. The display ships with a standard three-year parts and labor warranty, including the backlight.

News Source: NEC Press Release

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