Con il comunicato stampa di seguito allegato, OCZ Technology Group ha annunciato la pianificazione del passaggio nella produzione in volumi della serie di drive a stato solido, o SSD, con interfaccia PCI-Express x8 siglata Z-Drive R2, la nuova revisione della già nota e apprezzata linea Z-Drive. Al momento fanno parte della famiglia Z-Drive R2 tre varianti siglate p88 (di cui segue la vista frontale), p84 e m84.
Pur condividendo con la Z-Drive gran parte della topologia, la nuova gamma Z-Drive R2 può vantare la dotazione di moduli di NAND più evoluti che offrono, in ultima analisi, migliori prestazioni e maggiore flessibilità in sede di upgrade per l'espansione della capacità di memorizzazione complessiva. In accordo al maker, i prodotti Z-Drive R2 garantiscono transfer rate fino a 1.4GB/s mentre ogni modello della linea può essere acquistato con una capacità variabile da 256GB (ad esclusione della variante p88) a 2TB passando per 512MB e 1TB.
Il target naturale dei nuovi drive è rappresentato dalle storage area networks (SAN), dalle workstation e dai server, ovvero dalla gestione dei dati nell'ambito enterprise.

[Immagine ad alta risoluzione]

SAN JOSE, CA - April 6, 2010 - OCZ Technology Group, Inc. (OTCBB: OCZT), a worldwide leader in innovative, ultra-high performance and high reliability memory
and flash-based storage as an alternative to hard disk drives (HDDs), announces the Company’s plan to enter mass production of the Z-Drive R2 Solid State
Drive (SSD) Series, the second rendition of the original Z-Drive family. The Z-Drive R2 builds on the existing solution but provides greater performance and
design flexibility due to the implementation of a series of optimized NAND modules.
"Our 4th generation PCIe SSD, the Z-Drive R2, tackles the performance challenges facing enterprise IT professionals head-on" said Ryan Petersen, CEO of the
OCZ Technology Group. "The Z-Drive R2 is a total solution that delivers exceptional performance over a wide of range of applications due to its superior
sequential performance, making it a winner in both high IOP and high-throughput environments. In addition, it is the only bootable and field serviceable PCIe
SSD option on the market today, and due to an innovative interchangeable module design, it enables low cost field upgradability and capacity increases giving
storage architects unprecedented flexibility."
The innovative Z-Drive R2 SSD maximizes bandwidth by taking the SATA bottleneck out of the equation and utilizes the speed advantages of the PCI-Express
interface. Unlike competing solutions, the Z-Drive family is bootable and with 8 PCI-E lanes and an eight-way¹ RAID 0 configuration, the R2 delivers
performance ideal for enterprise applications that are limited by HDD technology. What also makes the R2 especially exceptional is the use of interchangeable
modules in the place of permanent, surface-mounted NAND; this unique feature-set is designed to make the Z-Drive field-serviceable and field-upgradeable.
Promoting greater productivity for a broad range of applications spanning across virtualization, caching, and high-end storage, the Z-Drive R2 can also
provide cost savings when considering the total cost of ownership (TCO) versus complex and hard to maintain HDD infrastructures. With capacities ranging from
256GB to 2TB, the R2 makes SSDs a viable alternative to large, power-consuming hard drive arrays. Furthermore, OCZ offers customization options for OEM
clients that may require tailored hardware or firmware solutions for their business.
Addressing the emerging performance demands of storage area networks (SANs), workstations, and servers, the Z-Drive R2 creates new possibilities in
enterprise data management. The R2 delivers extremely fast transfer rates up to 1.4 GB/s, while offering enhanced reliability and durability compared to
mechanical hard drives.
For more information on the Z-Drive R2 Series, please visit our product pages here.
¹ P88 model. P84 features 4-way RAID.
News Source: OCZ Technology Group Press Release