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22.04.2010 - Stone Giant, la demo del motore grafico DirectX 11 BitSquid Tech | ||
La software house svedese Fatshark ha annunciato, e reso disponibile per il download, la demo Stone Giant, che mostra le feature e le potenzialità del motore grafico DirectX 11 BitSquid Tech, il quale a breve sarà disponible per l'impiego, a pagamento, con i game di nuova generazione.
[Immagine ad alta risoluzione] [Immagine ad alta risoluzione] [Immagine ad alta risoluzione] BitSquid and Fatshark are excited to announce that the Stone Giant demo, using the upcoming DirectX11 game engine BitSquid Tech, is available for immediate download. Key features of the BitSquid Tech (PC version) include:
PS3 and Xbox 360 support will be available in the fall of 2010. “With advanced tessellation scenes, and high levels of geometry, Stone Giant will allow consumers to test the DX11-credentials of their new graphics cards”, said Tobias Persson, Founder and Senior Graphics Architect at BitSquid. “We believe that the great image fidelity seen in Stone Giant, made possible by the advanced features of DirectX 11, is something that we will come to expect in future games.” “At Fatshark, we have been creating the art content seen in Stone Giant”, said Martin Wahlund, CEO of Fatshark. “It has been amazing to work with a bleeding edge engine, without the usual geometric limitations seen in current games”. Stone Giant will be available from the following locations:
BitSquid Tech will be available for licensing soon.
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