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18.05.2010 - Aperta la Call for Paper per la OpenOffice.org Conference 2010 | ||
Trieste, 18 maggio 2010 - La OpenOffice.org Conference 2010 si terrā a Budapest dal 31 agosto al 3 settembre 2010, nella sede della Central European University fondata dal finanziere statunitense di origine ungherese George Soros. Come ogni anno, il primo giorno sarā riservato alle riunioni interne della comunitā, mentre la conferenza vera e propria si svolgerā nel corso delle tre giornate successive con gli interventi dei rappresentanti delle aziende e dei volontari.
[Immagine ad alta risoluzione] This year's meeting will be held in one of Europe's most beautiful cities, Budapest, Hungary, from August 31st - September 3rd, 2010. We hope you will join us in our celebration and conference! Whether you are a dedicated developer, a contributor of any measure, or just interested in the Project and its technology, such as the OpenDocument Format (ODF), we want to hear from you. Please note the conference language is English, and all presentations must be delivered in that language. We particularly welcome proposals from developers and other contributors with information to share with their fellows, from how to get started with simple extensions, through to the deep, dirty, and downright fun aspects of hacking the OpenOffice.org codebase. We urge creative, ambitious ideas. This is the place for those! Papers are also welcomed on any topic of interest to the Community: to the thousands of people who have joined one of our projects and design, develop, maintain, translate, test, document, support, promote, or in any other way help us bring OpenOffice.org's products and services to the world. We especially encourage local communities to submit papers for a special feature on local success stories. Let's do it together. The OOoCon 2010 Team Submission Process
If you need travel assistance, please state so when sending in your abstract. Be precise and specific and indicate exactly what you need assistance for. All requesting funding must first inquire with other sources and indicate as much when they make a request to us. With rare exception, we will only consider subsidizing accepted speakers, and an accepted speaker includes those participating in a panel, or otherwise delivering a paper that has been reviewed by the committee. It may include those leading a Bird of a Feather (BofA) seminar, which can be spontaneous events. If you are awarded a bursary (funding for the travel and lodging) and no longer need it, please notify the organizers ASAP so they can use the funds to allow another contributor to attend OOoCon. Key DatesOOoCon 2010 is open for speaker registration and the submission of abstracts until June 2nd, 2010. The deadline for sending in final presentations is August 2nd, 2010. An OOoCon template will be provided and we require everyone to create presentations using this template. All accepted speakers are required to send in their final presentations before the conference, by August 2nd, to the email alias above. More details will be sent out to all accepted speakers as the deadline for accepted papers approaches. Submission GuidelinesPapers will be reviewed provided the following conditions are met: 1 - The submission file is in OpenDocument file format. 2 - If submitting to a peer-reviewed track of the conference, authors' names are removed from submission, with "Author" and year used in the bibliography and footnotes, instead of authors' name, paper title, etc. Session TypesIn your proposal (abstract), you must state which of the following types of conference session you would like:
News Source: OOoCon 2010 Team Press Release Links |
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