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02.10.2010 - La versione beta di Fedora 14 Laughlin pubblicamente disponibile | ||
Con il comunicato stampa di seguito allegato, il Fedora Team ha annunciato la disponibilità pubblica della versione beta della distribuzione Linux Fedora 14 "Laughlin", la prossima milestone per gli sviluppatori che collaborano al "Fedora Project". La beta di Fedora 14 rappresenta l'ultima build prima della release finale, che sarà pronta nella prima parte di novembre; in accordo agli sviluppatori, questa beta è molto vicina alla versione finale, la quale sarà arricchita soltanto con fix, ma non presenterà alcuna feature aggiuntiva.
Emergence is the process by which simple interactions give rise to more complex and ordered patterns and systems, such as the intricacies we see in snowflakes. The Beta release of Fedora 14 “Laughlin” similarly provides a preview of some of the best free and open source technology currently under development, integrated into an ordered distribution that anyone can freely download, use, modify, and redistribute. The Fedora Project is a worldwide community of more than 20,000 collaborators who have signed the Contributor License Agreement. The daily interactions between contributors result in a vibrant, growing community dedicated to the advancement of free and open source software. The most anticipated product of this community is Fedora, the operating system released by the project approximately every six months. Fedora represents the culmination of work by hundreds of engineers and thousands of contributors, working together to produce a complex yet useful whole. The Beta release marks the point where all users are encouraged to download and try out the release. At this point the release is relatively stable, but real-world use and reports from users helps identify any lingering bugs so they can be addressed before the final release. Here are just a few of the notable features you can test out in the Fedora 14 Beta:
Download the Beta today and let us know what you think. Look out for the general availability of Fedora 14 in early November. News Source: Fedora Team Press Release Links |
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