Sapphire ha annunciato l'utility TriXX, un'applicazione dedicata al monitoring, al tuning, al tweaking e all'overclocking delle proprie schede grafiche Radeon, rendendo disponibili, inoltre, alcuni screenshot di TriXX.
Il software sviluppato dal partner di AMD visualizza in tempo reale le tensioni di polarizzazione della gpu e dei chip di RAM, la temperatura della gpu, la velocità di rotazione delle ventole e le frequenze di clock del core grafico e della RAM. Inoltre, permette di variare tali parametri, e dunque di effettuare overclocking e overvolting, salvando i setting personalizzati mediante profili.
Sapphire ha annunciato TriXX, senza tuttavia indicare la data di rilascio del software.

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TriXX helps users to get the optimum performance from compatible SAPPHIRE graphics cards in any application by allowing them to monitor, tune and save different settings of key parameters for the card.
TriXX not only monitors basic parameters such as fan speed and GPU temperature but also GPU load, voltages and memory performance. The user can chose the appearance of the TriXX interface with different skins.
TriXX can also create a log file for future analysis, and the user can save the current VGA BIOS.
Updates will allow TriXX to support future releases of graphics cards and GPU families as well as enhancements to the tool.
Main Feature
SAPPHIRE TriXX is the optimal overclocking utility for your AMD RADEON graphics card. Features include:
- Overclock your AMD RADEON based graphics card
- GPU Core
- GPU Voltage
- Video Card Memory
- Save your Favorite Overclock Settings with up to 4 Profiles.
- Adjust your Graphic Card’s Fan Settings with Automatic, Fixed or Custom Fan Speeds.
- Information Tab with all you need to know about your Graphic Card including GPU, Interface, Memory, Driver Version, BIOS Version, Clocks, Shaders and more…
- Multi-GPU support (CrossFireX)
- Windows Sidebar Gadget option
News Source: Sapphire Press Release