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Info ufficiali sulle prossime patch di Call of Duty: Black Ops

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13.11.2010 - Info ufficiali sulle prossime patch di Call of Duty: Black Ops

Lo sparatutto in prima persona Call of Duty: Black Ops, il sequel di Call of Duty: World at War e settimo capitolo della serie Call of Duty, è stato rilasciato in Europa e U.S. lo scorso 9 novembre dal publisher Activision per le piattaforme PC, Xbox 360 e PlayStation 3.

Tuttavia Treyarch, la software house che ha sviluppato il titolo, dopo essersi già occupata di Call of Duty 2: Big Red One, Call of Duty 3 e Call of Duty: World at War, ha già pubblicato diverse piccole patch per le varie edizioni.

E altri update sono in programma, come si evince dalle seguenti release notes, che forniamo nella lingua originale, le quali dettagliano le novità introdotte dalla prossime patch per le piattaforme PC, Xbox 360 e PlayStation 3.

  • GPU hitching on certain graphics cards.
  • Incomplete server browser results.
  • Improvements to Quickmatch joins (results with better ping and reduced lag).
  • Zombies "The game session is no longer available" error.
Xbox 360
  • Improved matchmaking to find matches faster
  • Improved match and host selection; will result in much better networking conditions for all games (a.k.a., decreased lag)
  • Weekly and Monthly leaderboards stats reporting incorrectly for kills, deaths and assists (All Time leaderboard not affected by this)
  • Additional improvements to party system
  • Improved matchmaking to find matches faster
  • Improved match and host selection; will result in much better networking conditions for all games (a.k.a., decreased lag)
  • Weekly and Monthly leaderboards stats reporting incorrectly for kills, deaths and assists (All Time leaderboard not affected by this)
  • Additional improvements to party system


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