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Noctua regala un kit di montaggio per le cpu Intel Sandy Bridge

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01.12.2010 - Noctua regala un kit di montaggio per le cpu Intel Sandy Bridge

Con il comunicato stampa di seguito allegato, l'austriaca Noctua ha annunciato che i possessori dei suoi vecchi cooler, ovvero dei prodotti antecedenti ai vari NH-C14, NH-D14 e NH-U12P SE2, possono usufruire gratuitamente di un kit di montaggio NM-I3 SecuFirm2 al fine di effettuare l'upgrade della cpu con un chip Intel avente il socket LGA-1156 o LGA-1155 (in questo caso i processori supportati sono i prossimi "Sandy Bridge", ndr) senza sostituire il cooler Noctua.

In accordo al produttore, il kit di montaggio è compatibile con tutti i dissipatori Noctua realizzati a partire dal 2005; per ottenerlo è sufficiente inviare al maker, mediante il suo sito Web ufficiale, una foto, oppure una scansione, della fattura di acquisto del dissipatore per il quale si richiede il pacchetto per l'upgrade. Al resto, ovvero alla spedizione, penserà Noctua.

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[Immagine ad alta risoluzione]

[Immagine ad alta risoluzione]

Noctua today announced that owners of older Noctua CPU coolers who wish to upgrade to the upcoming LGA1155 socket will be able to obtain the appropriate NM-I3 SecuFirm2 mounting kit free of charge. Recent models such as the NH-C14, NH-D14 or NH-U12P SE2 already include the NM-I3 mounting kit and are fully compatible with LGA1155 out of the box.

"We're determined to provide the best possible support to our customers and we've sent many thousands of NM-I3 mounting kits free of charge to users who wanted to upgrade to LGA1156", says Mag. Roland Mossig, Noctua CEO. "With Sandy Bridge just around the corner, we're pleased to announce that we'll extend this offer for LGA1155 users. Everyone owning an older Noctua heatsink that doesn't support LGA 115x out of the box will be able to upgrade to the new socket free of charge!"

Due to the spacing of the mounting holes being identical on LGA1155 and LGA1156, Noctua's NM-I3 SecuFirm2 mounting kit for LGA1156 also supports Intel's upcoming 'Sandy Bridge' platform. The following Noctua coolers already include the NM-I3 SecuFirm2 mounting system for LGA1156 and can thus be used on LGA1155 mainboards without any upgrades or modifications: NH-C14, NH-D14, NH-C12P SE14, NH-U12P SE2, NH-U9B SE2.

Users of older Noctua models that don't include the SecuFirm2 mounting system for LGA1156/1155 can obtain the NM-I3 kit free of charge on Noctua's website in order to make their heatsinks compatible with the new socket. A proof of purchase (photo, scan or screenshot of the invoice) of both a Noctua CPU cooler and either a socket 1155 mainboard or socket 1155 CPU are required. The NM-I3 mounting kit is compatible with all Noctua retail coolers since 2005 and is also available in stores at a low service charge.

News Source: Noctua Press Release

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