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Microsoft: già vendute oltre 2.5 milioni di Kinect per Xbox 360

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01.12.2010 - Microsoft: già vendute oltre 2.5 milioni di Kinect per Xbox 360

Con il comunicato stampa di seguito allegato, Microsoft ha annunciato che le unità vendute in tutto il mondo della device Kinect per Xbox 360 hanno già superato la soglia dei 2.5 milioni, a meno di un mese dal lancio ufficiale del prodotto, avvenuto lo scorso 4 novembre.

In accordo a Don Mattrick, che è a capo della divisione "Interactive Entertainment" di MS, un simile risultato sta spingendo l'organizzazione a velocizzare la produzione e la commercializzazione di nuove unità Kinect al fine di infoltire le scorte e rispondere in maniera adeguata alla domanda fin qui manifestata dai consumatori.

Il prossimo obiettivo in casa Microsoft, infatti, è il raggiungimento dei 5 milioni di unità vendute nel corso delle prossime vacanze natalizie.

[Immagine ad alta risoluzione]

Microsoft Corp. today announced that strong demand over the Black Friday weekend has propelled retail sales of Kinect for Xbox 360 to more than 2.5 million units worldwide since it launched just 25 days ago.

"We are thrilled about the consumer response to Kinect, and are working hard with our retail and manufacturing partners to expedite production and shipments of Kinect to restock shelves as fast as possible to keep up with demand," said Don Mattrick, president of the Interactive Entertainment Business at Microsoft. "With sales already exceeding two and a half million units in just 25 days, we are on pace to reach our forecast of 5 million units sold to consumers this holiday."

"Kinect on Xbox 360 was a top performer at Target this weekend," said Nik Nayar, vice president, merchandising, Target. "We expect Kinect will be a must-have gift this holiday season, so Target will continue to receive consistent shipments of Kinect throughout December. The hands-free, active gaming experience that Kinect offers is something that everyone in the family can enjoy."

Kinect is now available at more than 60,000 retailers in 38 countries. It is the only controller-free games and entertainment system available that lets you control games, movies, music and television with gestures and your voice. Retailers, reviewers and analysts are calling it a must-have gift this holiday season.

More information on Xbox 360 and Kinect for Xbox 360 is available at or

News Source: Microsoft Press Release

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