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LG contrappone Smart TV Upgrader (ST600) a Google TV

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02.01.2011 - LG contrappone Smart TV Upgrader (ST600) a Google TV

In attesa di mostrarlo al grande pubblico al prossimo CES 2011, LG Electronics (LG) ha annunciato ufficialmente la device Smart TV Upgrader (ST600), un dispositivo (cfr. le foto seguenti) che, nelle intenzioni del produttore, punta a trasformare qualsiasi televisore standard in una "Smart TV", dal momento che è in grado di aggiungere ai televisori non recenti un elevato numero di feature presenti nei prodotti di ultima generazione.

Lo Smart TV Upgrade è basato su una cpu BCM7615 ed è equipaggiato con 384MB di RAM e 1GB di memoria di massa, realizzata con la tecnologia Flash; supporta le connettività mediante Wi-Fi, Ethernet, DLNA e USB, e include un browser integrato.

Con il nuovo ST600 il televisore diviene in grado di mostrare contenuti proveniti da sorgenti non tradizionali, come Internet, USB drive, memory card e drive attaccati alla rete domestica; il prodotto di LG permette inoltre di collegare al televisore i dispositivi compatibili con DLNA e di accedere a LG Apps Store.

LG sarà commercializzato nel secondo trimestre del 2011.

[Immagine ad alta risoluzione]

[Immagine ad alta risoluzione]

At this year’s Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas, LG Electronics (LG) will be unveiling the Smart TV Upgrader (ST600) that makes it easy for viewers to transform their regular TVs into Smart TVs at an affordable price. Embracing all the benefits of internet connectivity, the Upgrader gives regular TV owners access to all of LG’s Smart TV functions including premium online content, Smart Share and the full range of LG Apps. “The market for Smart TVs is set to take off this year, and the ST600 offers a perfect entry point,” said Havis Kwon, President and CEO of LG Home Entertainment Company. “With the LG Smart TV Upgrader, we’re taking the excitement and convenience of Smart TV and adding in LG’s trademark ease-of-use because we see a significant audience who are interested but not interested enough to buy a whole new TV.”

By connecting the ST600 to a regular TV set, users can access a vast range of premium content from global providers, as well as the best locally sourced shows and movies to cater to different tastes around the world. The ST600 also connects users to the growing range of LG Apps, which are custom designed for use on TVs and offer everything from language classes to games.

LG makes the viewing experience more compelling still with its superb compatibility, which lets users simply and wirelessly transfer content from their Digital Living Network Alliance(DLNA)-compatible PCs and other compatible devices for viewing on the big screen.

LG’s Smart TV Upgrader will be unveiled at CES 2011 in Las Vegas and rolled-out to TV owners in the second quarter of 2011.

News Source: LG Press Release

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