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La demo multiplayer di Crysis 2 per PC disponibile dal 1° marzo

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17.02.2011 - La demo multiplayer di Crysis 2 per PC disponibile dal 1° marzo

Con il seguente comunicato, il publisher EA ha annunciato la disponibilità on line della demo multiplayer dell'attesissimo Crysis 2 in edizione per PC a partire dal prossimo 1 marzo.

In accordo a EA, la versione dimostrativa del game include due mappe, ambientate a New York e denominate rispettivamente "Skyline" e "Pier 17", che assicurano adrenalina allo stato puro, e due modalità, "Team Instant Action" e "Crash Site": nella prima due team composti ciascuno da 6 player si fronteggeranno con l'obiettivo di "uccidere" il maggior numero possibile di nemici, mentre nella seconda i gamer si affronteranno per il controllo di stazioni aliene.

Crysis 2 sarà rilasciato in versione completa a partire dal giorno 25 marzo in Europa e dal giorno 22 negli U.S.; le edizioni disponibili saranno tre, al fine di supportare Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3 e Xbox 360.

The time has come for PC gamers to take their best shot in Crysis 2 multiplayer. Available for download at and other partner sites on March 1, the Crysis 2 multiplayer demo includes two stunning maps, two adrenaline-filled modes, and hours of multiplayer action. In the demo, PC gamers will master the game’s signature Nanosuit, which allows them to be strong, be invisible, be fast and become the ultimate weapon.

Players will compete in six vs. six matches set against a war-torn Manhattan in two maps: “Skyline”, set on top of the rooftops and interiors of skyscrapers, and “Pier 17”, an open environment with limited cover. The demo also features two modes: “Team Instant Action” pits two teams against each other as they kill as many opponents as possible to win the round and “Crash Site,” where players will battle for control of alien drop pods, earning points by guarding their pods and keeping enemies at bay.

Developed by Crytek UK, Crytek’s specialist multiplayer studio, Crysis 2 multiplayer features six gameplay modes and 12 maps set in iconic locations across New York City. Throughout the multiplayer campaign, players earn up to 50 ranks and a variety of different upgrades to their weapons and their Nanosuit. Gamers who pre-order Crysis 2 today will receive an automatic upgrade to the Crysis 2 Limited Edition, available while supplies last. This special edition includes four must-have in-game unlocks for the ultimate multiplayer experience, including:

  • Bonus XP - Players will jump into multiplayer battles with an edge by starting with enough experience points to gain early access to all preset class load-outs plus a custom class.
  • SCAR Hologram Decoy - This special attachment to the SCAR will project a hologram image of the player, allowing them to confuse their opponents with the decoy.
  • SCAR Weapon Skin - This digital camouflage skin will allow players to add a personalised touch to one of the more popular assault rifles in the game.
  • Platinum Dog Tag - This special one-of-a-kind dog tag is one of over 250 that will be collectible in Crysis 2 multiplayer, helping to separate you from the rest of the field.

Celebrated by press worldwide, Crysis 2 has been named by CNN, GameSpot, Game Informer, PlayStation: The Official Magazine, PC Gamer and IGN as one of the most anticipated games of 2011.

News Source: EA Press Release

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