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17.01.2012 - The Document Foundation annuncia LibreOffice 3.4.5 | ||
The Document Foundation (TDF) annuncia LibreOffice 3.4.5, una nuova versione ulteriormente migliorata della suite libera per ufficio, per Windows, Mac e Linux, che risolve una serie di bug e migliora la stabilità del programma.
The Document Foundation (TDF) announces LibreOffice 3.4.5, a new improved version of the award-winning free office suite for Windows, Mac and Linux, solving a number of bugs and further improving the stability of the program. LibreOffice 3.4.5 represents the best choice for a free office suite for every user, including conservative corporate users who were still deploying LibreOffice 3.3.4. In 2011, LibreOffice has won InfoWorld’s BOSSIE Award 2011 as Best of Open Source Software, and the Open World Forum Experiment Award of Most-Popular Software. The awards are a demonstration of the key improvements brought to the legacy code by a small army of close to 400 TDF developers. LibreOffice 3.4.5 is available for immediate download from the following link: http://www.libreoffice.org/download/. Extensions for LibreOffice are available from the following link: http://extensions.libreoffice.org. Change logs are available at http://download.documentfoundation.org/libreoffice/src/bugfixes-libreoffice-3-4-release- (fixed in and http://download.documentfoundation.org/libreoffice/src/bugfixes-libreoffice-3-4-5-release- (fixed in News Source: The Document Foundation (TDF) Press Release Links |
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