EA Sports ha pubblicato una patch per il gioco FIFA Soccer 06 in lingua inglese.

Questo l'elenco ufficiale dei problemi risolti dall'aggiornamento:
- USB Keyboard Incompatibility fix - FIFA 06 is currently
not compatible with some commonly used USB keyboards. The patch will
fix this issue so that they can function in FIFA 06. The fix will cover
the majority of these keyboards, with special focus given to those
keyboards being reported to the Call Centers.
- By fixing the
input peripheral recognition system, the Saitek P2500 controller will
also be properly detected and function as intended (USB supported game
- PC Controller Save Configuration fix – the
User is currently not able to save their modified controller
configurations. The patch will fix this and allow the User to save any
changes they have made to the configuration of their supported keyboard
or game pad controls.