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Thermaltake e BMW annunciano il gaming mouse Level 10 M

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08.03.2012 - Thermaltake e BMW annunciano il gaming mouse Level 10 M

I progettisti hanno analizzato le richieste dei giocatori per poter sviluppare un mouse in grado di rispondere alle loro necessità. La personalizzazione di un prodotto è uno degli aspetti fondamentali, insieme alle sue alte prestazioni.

Level 10 M è un mouse che unisce tali caratteristiche ad un aspetto accattivante. L’esperienza di Thermaltake per la dissipazione del calore fa si che il mouse possa essere non solo comodo ma anche adatto ad usi intensi, come accade durante le lunghe sessioni di gioco. La sua struttura aperta permette all’aria di raffreddare i componenti e di tenere bassa la temperatura della mano rendendo il dispositivo più confortevole. Il mouse Level 10 M è diviso in due livelli: la parte superiore e quella inferiore attraverso la quale è possibile regolare l’altezza e l’angolatura, per poterlo personalizzare a seconda delle diverse esigenze.

L’alluminio con cui è realizzato il mouse, è solitamente usato dall’industria aerospaziale ed in architettura. Questo materiale è infatti caratterizzato da un’alta resistenza alla corrosione ed assicura al Level 10 M una lunga durata nel tempo. Level 10 M da la possibilità di programmare i tasti, di regolare i DPI e di utilizzare il sistema di bloccaggio del meccanismo. Grazie al software in dotazione è possibile regolare i settaggi in base alle proprie esigenze. Il mouse è dotato di due tasti sulla parte superiore e di 5 tasti laterali regolabili con un solo click. Lo speciale tasto "Z" è studiato per svolgere cinque diversi comandi e permette di cambiare il profilo di gioco con uno dei cinque salvati Ci sono un totale di undici tasti comando programmabili sul Level 10 M.

Anche il "polling rate" e il colore del LED sono personalizzabili. Il Level 10 M ha una sensibilità fino a un massimo di 8200 DPI (con valori intermedi di 800, 1600, 3200 e 5000 DPI). Il sistema di bloccaggio assicura che non siano commessi errori accidentali durante il gioco. Level 10 M viene prodotto in tre colori: Diamond Black (nero), Iron White (bianco) e Military Green (verde militare).

Il mouse Level 10 M è uno spettacolare prodotto per il gaming che rivoluzionerà il modo di affrontare il gioco. Dalla collaborazione di due grandi gruppi, Thermaltake e Designworks USA del gruppo BMW, è nato un "gioiello".

[Immagine ad alta risoluzione]

[Immagine ad alta risoluzione]

[Immagine ad alta risoluzione]

[Immagine ad alta risoluzione]

With the joint launch of the Level 10 M Mouse at CEBIT, Thermaltake Group and DesignworksUSA, the design subsidiary of the BMW Group, will demonstrate their idea of how to "Change The Game Through Design". Continuing the dedication in perfecting the best gaming products, Tt eSPORTS, the subdivision of Thermaltake has made it one of their priorities to deliver the best design quality to enable their customers to maximize their gaming experience. To create the "Level 10 World of Gaming", Thermaltake Group in year 2009 chose a design partner who understood the importance of creativity and could appreciate Thermaltake and Tt eSPORTS’ passion for gaming. The award-winning Level 10 chassis was a legend in the world of PC gaming, and now in 2012 the "Level 10 World" will be extended by a range of gaming peripherals with the M Mouse being the first product to be revealed. It will be presented jointly at CEBIT and the teams will give insights into the design and development phases and the thinking that led to the creation of the final product.

Starting with an intensive workshop the design team observed and surveyed gamers in order to "dive into a gamers´ soul" and understand the nature of the relationship to their very personal steering element. Next to requirements such as precision and innovative functions, it became very obvious that flexibility and options for customization are of great importance for gamers. The findings from the workshop directly flew into the design development for the Level 10 M Mouse creating a design that marries solutions for gamers functional, aesthetic and emotional needs. Director of Tt eSPORTS, Mr. Tony Liu, stated: "We are excited to collaborate with BMW Group subsidiary DesignworksUSA, and the expectation from this mouse is to deliver the best gaming experience beyond standards, by fulfilling all gamers’ demands whether it’s the functionality or the aesthetics. Level 10 M Mouse is a dream product comes true by the genius work from the design team."

Aesthetics, Function & Materials
The Level 10 design concept is a philosophy in consumer electronics. Its design is a language that visualizes creativity and imagination. It´s about open structure, about executing the principle of fewest surface coverage and maximizing functional elements. For the Level 10 M Mouse the designers came up with an array of innovative solutions. Combined with Thermaltake’s expertise in cooling technology, the result is a product that speaks the Level 10 design language but still provides a comfortable equipment for heavy use.

3D Steering Axis Movement: The Mouse is divided into lower and top part which seems to float over the base. This part which is also the essential steering element of the mouse can be adjusted in regards to height and angle. The 3D dimensional character of the mouse provides for new and highly sufficient axis movements in various directions and makes the mouse fit as many gamers’ preferences as possible.

Solid Aluminum base: Commonly used in the aerospace industry and in architecture, this material is characterized by its high resistance to corrosion. It ensures that the Level 10 experience of the user is durable and resilient to mouse-gliding movement.

Air-Through Ventilation System: Thermaltakes’ ventilation solutions made possible the sandwich design of the top and lower part creating a hollow, open structure that lets the light, the air as well as the surrounding travel through the product almost creating the feeling of a 4th dimension. Additionally the Mouse is fitted with exquisite texture - a perforated surface which provides for a better air and temperature exchange as a means of passive ventilation, solving issues due to heavy use and direct touch of gaming equipment and the rise of temperatures of the hand.

Intelligent Software Application for customizing Gaming and Creative needs: The Level 10 M Mouse has it all: Programmable Keys, DPI Adjustability, Function-Lock Mechanism and more. It´s a programmable gaming mouse capable of using the most comprehensive software application to customize settings based on user's needs. The Mouse has two regular keys on top and five additional keys at the side. Each key is programmable by software application by a single press with the finger. The so called "Z" key is especially designed for five different commands. There is a total of eleven programmable command keys on Level 10 M Mouse while the "Z" key offers another function: During the gaming mode this key can switch between up to five gaming profiles. In addition, the polling rate and the seven lighting-effect colors of the Mouse are also customizable. The Level 10 M Mouse is equipped with 8200 DPI, adjustable from 800, 1600, 3200 to 5000 (default setting), and customizable by software application up to 8200 DPI. With clear indication on top of the mouse, users can observe the current DPI status and make change whenever necessary. The Function-Lock Mechanism also serves to avoid accidental error command by locking side keys during gaming mode. The Level 10 M Mouse is a tool which was clearly designed for pro-gaming and creative needs.

The Color Scheme
The Level 10 M Mouse is available in three different colors: Diamond Black, Iron White, and Military Green. Each represents different characters and user’s unique personality, and each carries the gaming philosophy of Level 10.

Level 10 M Mouse is an amazing gaming product that will truly revolutionize your gaming and aesthetic perception, joined by two great teams of Thermaltake Group and BMW Group subsidiary DesignworksUSA.

News Source: Thermaltake Group & DesignworksUSA Press Release

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