Blizzard Entertainment ha annunciato ufficialmente la data di rilascio dell'attesissimo Diablo III: la software house ha confermato una precedente comunicazione diffusa poco più di un mese fa, specificando in particolare che il suo nuovo RPG sarà disponibile a partire dal prossimo 15 maggio.
Segue il comunicato in lingua italiana.
"La fine dei giorni si avvicina... Diablo III emergerà dalle profondità degli Inferi Fiammeggianti il 15 maggio 2012 e tu potrai essere pronto per entrare in gioco non appena i server saranno online preacquistando il gioco in digitale su Battle.net oggi stesso.
A partire dal 15 maggio 2012, i giocatori di tutto il mondo potranno tornare a Tristram, per scoprire gli oscuri segreti di una stella caduta e intraprendere una perigliosa missione per salvare il mondo di Sanctuarium dall’incombente invasione demoniaca. Per assicurarti un posto in prima linea, nel ruolo di barbaro, monaco, cacciatore di demoni, mago o sciamano, connettiti al tuo account Battle.net, quindi preacquista e scarica* Diablo III. Sarai pronto a giocare non appena il gioco sarà lanciato.
I giocatori di World of Warcraft interessati a ottenere gratis Diablo III possono ancora sottoscrivere il Pass Annuale di World of Warcraft, ma attenzione: la promozione scade il 1° maggio 2012 alle 09:01 (ora italiana). Iscrivendoti al Pass Annuale e impegnandoti a sottoscrivere un anno di abbonamento a World of Warcraft, riceverai gatis una copia digitale di Diablo III, un’esclusiva cavalcatura di gioco per World of Warcraft (il Destriero di Tyrael) e l’accesso all’imminente beta test di World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria. Per saperne di più, visita la pagina di iscrizione al Pass Annuale.
Per tutti i dettagli sul lancio di Diablo III il 15 maggio 2012, assicurati di leggere il nostro comunicato stampa ufficiale, o dirigiti alla nostra nuova pagina di Diablo III per saperne di più e per preacquistare la tua copia digitale.
*Preacquistando Diablo III, potrai scaricare una versione criptata del gioco, che sarà sbloccata appena il gioco verrà lanciato il 15 maggio 2012".

[Immagine ad alta risoluzione]

The end is nigh! Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. today announced that Diablo III, the next chapter in its critically acclaimed action role-playing game series, will be unleashed from the Burning Hells on May 15.
Starting that day, gamers with a thirst for fast-paced action and adventure will be able to purchase Diablo III at retailers throughout the United States, Canada, Europe, South Korea, Southeast Asia, Australia, New Zealand, and the regions of Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau. In addition, gamers in the regions above as well as in Mexico, Argentina, Chile, and Brazil will be able to buy Diablo III digitally via Blizzard's Battle.net website.
Players in the listed Latin American countries and in Russia will be able to purchase Diablo III at local retail locations starting June 7. Digital availability for the Russian version of the game will also begin June 7. In addition to the English version, Diablo III will be fully localized into Latin American Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, French, German, European Spanish, Italian, Polish, Russian, Korean, and Traditional Chinese.
Blizzard also kicked off global digital presales for Diablo III today. Would-be wizards, witch doctors, demon hunters, barbarians, and monks throughout the world should head to http://www.blizzard.com/games/d3/ now to reserve their digital copies.
"After many years of hard work by our development team and months of beta testing by hundreds of thousands of dedicated players around the world, we're now in the homestretch," said Mike Morhaime, CEO and cofounder of Blizzard Entertainment. "We look forward to putting the final polish on Diablo III over the next two months and delivering the ultimate action-RPG experience to gamers worldwide starting on May 15."
Diablo III will be available for Windows XP/Windows Vista/Windows 7 and Macintosh at a suggested price of $59.99 USD for both the retail DVD-ROM version and the digital version sold directly from Blizzard. A special alabaster-white Collector's Edition, sold exclusively in retail stores at a suggested retail price of $99.99 USD, will include the full game on DVD-ROM, a behind-the-scenes Blu-ray/DVD two-disc set, the Diablo III soundtrack CD, a 208-page Art of Diablo III book, and a 4 GB USB soulstone (including full versions of Diablo II and Diablo II: Lord of Destruction) and corresponding Diablo skull base, as well as exclusive in-game content for Diablo III, World of Warcraft, and StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty. Diablo III has received a Mature rating from the ESRB.
World of Warcraft players interested in getting Diablo III free are encouraged to join the more than 1 million players who have already signed up for the World of Warcraft Annual Pass. Through this promotion, with a 1-year commitment to World of Warcraft, players will receive a free digital copy of Diablo III -- which they'll be able to start playing immediately on May 15 -- as well as an exclusive World of Warcraft in-game mount and access to the World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria beta test. This offer will no longer be available as of 12:01 a.m. PDT on May 1. Learn more at http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/annualpass.
In Diablo III, players take on the role of one of five heroic characters -- barbarian, witch doctor, wizard, monk, or demon hunter -- and engage in pulse-pounding combat with endless legions of evil. As they undertake an epic quest to rid Sanctuary from the corrupting forces of the Burning Hells, players will explore diverse and perilous settings, grow in experience and ability, acquire artifacts of incredible power, and meet key characters who'll join them in battle or aid them in other ways.
Diablo III was built from the ground up to leverage the full functionality of the Battle.net platform, which delivers powerful matchmaking and communication tools, allowing adventurers to seamlessly join forces for exciting cooperative play. Battle.net also provides a secure infrastructure for the Diablo III auction house, a feature-rich marketplace that Sanctuary's heroes can use to trade their hard-earned treasures. Players will be able to buy and sell weapons, armor, and other valuable items in the auction house in exchange for in-game gold. Players will also have the option to receive real-world currency for auction house sales, which they can apply to their Battle.net Balance for the purchase of a variety of digital products through Battle.net, including Diablo III auction house items, or cash out through a third-party payment service such as PayPal in most regions. Further details related to the auction house will be announced in the coming weeks.
For more information on Diablo III, please visit the official website at http://www.diablo3.com. To set up a Battle.net account and to opt-in to Blizzard Entertainment beta tests, please visit the official Battle.net website at http://www.battle.net.
News Source: Blizzard Entertainment Press Release