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Ubisoft annuncia le date di rilascio del racing game Mad Riders

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20.05.2012 - Ubisoft annuncia le date di rilascio del racing game Mad Riders

Il publisher Ubisoft ha annunciato le date di rilascio del racing game arcade Mad Riders, un titolo in cui l'ambiente off-road viene presentato come l'unico teatro deputato ad ospitare le gare di velocità.

In accordo a Ubisoft, Mad Riders sarà disponibile sul PlayStation Network a partire dal prossimo 29 maggio, mentre il giorno successivo sarà la volta delle piattaforme di gioco PC (PC Digital) e Xbox 360 (Xbox LIVE Arcade). In tutti i casi il costo è pari a $9.99.

Mad Riders, il cui sviluppo è curato da Techland, la software house che ha creato i first-person shooter Call of Juarez: The Cartel e Dead Island, include 45 tracciati e tre modalità multiplayer in grado di gestire fino a 12 player on line.

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Ubisoft announced that Mad Riders TM, an adrenaline-fueled off-road arcade racing game, is coming to Xbox LIVE Arcade for Microsoft’s Xbox 360 video game and entertainment system, PlayStationNetwork and PC Digital on May 30 th 2012.

Mad Riders, developed by Techland, will see players performing amazing aerial stunts and racing on over 45 stunning tracks from all over the world, at breathtaking speeds. To gain the edge on the competition, players will need to use their boost skill wisely and take advantage of shortcuts hidden in the tracks.

For players who want to take the experience online, Mad Riders has extensive competitive features and leaderboards, allowing players to test their skills against the rest of the world. Thanks to an intuitive drop-in system, players can compete in three exciting multiplayer modes playable up to 12 players.

Mad Riders will be available on Xbox 360 ,PSN and PC Digital.

News Source: Ubisoft Press Release

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