Elitegroup (ECS) ha annunciato la video card non deference denominata GeForce GTX 680 Black Series, una soluzione non reference, costruita a partire dalla gpu a 28nm NVIDIA GTX 680, che il noto board maker ha ottimizzato per offire all'utente una scheda grafica con spiccate doti di stabilità, bassa rumorosità e con ampia possibilità di tuning delle performance.
La GeForce GTX 680 Black Series vanta la certificazione "Nonstop" di ECS, con la quale il produttore ne attesta proprio l'affidabilità, intesa nell'accezione specifica di garantire elevate prestazioni nel tempo. A tal fine ECS ha selezionato e utilizzato per la fabbricazione della card esclusivamente componenti di elevata qualità (ad esempio condensatori allo stato solido), e fatto ricorso a circuiti aggiuntivi di protezione, come quello che protegge l'hardware dalle scariche elettostatiche, o Electrostatic Discharge (ESD).
La stabilità operativa, anche in overclocking, è assicurata inoltre dall'impiego di un cooler non reference, che mette in evidenza cinque heat pipe e due ventole, oltre a una copertura realizzata in alluminio, e non in plastica come tipicamente accade, che contribuisce ad innalzare ulteriormente l'efficienza del sistema di raffreddamento.
Il core grafico della scheda GeForce GTX 680 Black Series è configurato dal costruttore per operare a 1040MHz, mentre la memoria RAM, implementata con 2GB di G-DDR5, lavora a 6008MHz (valore effettivo) e scambia dati con la gpu attraverso un bus a 256-bit. Il kit di connettori di uscita della video card, che può gestire fino a quattro monitor simultaneamente, include due porte dual-link DVI, una HDMI e una DisplayPort.

[Immagine ad alta risoluzione]

The new GTX680 Black Series graphics card from Elitegroup (ECS) combines graphics power, rock solid reliability, low noise and tweakability in one unbeatable package. Screaming fast graphics performance and innovative thermal design means it won't even break a sweat running the lastest games, and it's ready for the next generation, too. GTX680 harnesses the raw power of the latest NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680 GPU, backed by the stability of ECS Nonstop Certification. Combine the GTX680 with an ECS Black Series motherboard for the ultimate gaming platform.
The GTX680's ECS Nonstop Certification delivers a hassle-free computing experience by solving common PC hardware problems before they can even occur, protecting gamers from crashes, instability and poor performance. This graphics card can be relied on for stability and reliability far into the future, thanks to a military-level assault course of tests that checks and stresses critical components for 72 hours straight and at temperatures up to 50º C (122º F) – far stricter than common industry standards. This is combined with the highest quality components and shielding. Nonstop boards use solid capacitors throughout, and Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Protection circuitry, to ensure long lifetimes with unsurpassed reliability. ECS, one of the world's largest manufacturers of high-performance PC components, is throwing its full engineering weight and decades of experience behind this much-needed move to greater reliability.
A specifically designed five heatpipe cooler ensures much better heat dissipation than previous generation graphics cards. Dual fans move heat away from the card with maximum efficiency, keeping the GTX680 Black Series running even under the heaviest graphics loads. The gold-plated aluminum upper cover not only looks great, but also provides far more effective heat dissipation than competing graphics cards that use cheap plastic covers, which can actually trap heat inside the card. Gold plated components are the perfect match for ECS Golden motherboards, and contacts with extra-thick gold plating provide even greater resistance to wear and corrosion, prolonging product life still further.
The GTX680 Black Series is already blazing fast, but for true high-end users, the specially-designed ECS tweaking utility allows enthusiasts to squeeze every last drop of performance out of the GTX680 by individually setting and adjusting the GPU clock speed and the memory clock speed. ECS Black Series' reliability and manufacturing excellence, backed by some of the toughest testing in the industry, ensures there's plenty of headroom for hard core gamers to unlock extra power from the GTX680.
The ECS GTX680 Black Series holds a massive 2048 MB of screaming fast 6008 MHz DDR 5 memory with an ultra-wide 256-bit memory bus driven by the raw power of the newest NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680 GPU running at 1040MHz. The super fast PCI-E 3.0 interface keeps the bandwidth high and graphics data flowing without bottlenecks even during intense gaming. Multiple display support for up to 4 displays comes from dual-link DVI, HDMI and DisplayPort output.
The latest technology standards are supported, including Microsoft DirectX 11 with Shader Model 5.0, and OpenGL 4.2. The board is NVIDIA PhysX-Ready for true-to-life game physics, with NVIDIA CUDA technology to accelerate the most demanding system tasks – such as video encoding – delivering up to 7x performance over traditional CPUs, and there's also NVIDIA PureVideoTM HD support for astoundingly vivid HD video and movie playback. Standout features in the new GTX 680 GPU include two new Anti-aliasing Modes, FXAA and TXAA, for smoother graphics with a minimal performance impact, SMX Power Efficiency, GPU Boost, up to 3 cards in SLI mode, NVIDIA 3D Vision and 3D Vision Surround, and Adaptive VSync.
News Source: Elitegroup (ECS) Press Release