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Samsung annuncia il primo chip di DRAM LPDDR4 da 8GB per mobile

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30.12.2013 - Samsung annuncia il primo chip di DRAM LPDDR4 da 8GB per mobile

Samsung Electronics ha annunciato il completamento dello sviluppo del primo chip di DRAM di tipo LPDDR4 (Low Power Double Data Rate 4) da 8Gb (gigabit) per applicazioni mobile.

In accordo al produttore, il nuovo chip è realizzato con un processo di classe 20nm (tale, dunque, da utilizzare una tecnologia compresa nel range che va da 20nm a 30nm non meglio specificata da Samsung, ndr) e assicura, per i dispositivi mobile, prestazioni e funzionalità di livello superiore rispetto a quelli offerti dagli attuali chip LDDR3, pur consumando meno.

Anche in virtù dell'interfaccia aderente allo standard di I/O denominato Low Voltage Swing Terminated Logic (LVSTL), il nuovo chip di LDDR4 di Samsung assicura un transfer rate per pin pari a 3200Mbps, un valore pari al doppio rispetto a quello ottenibile con le LPDDR3 20nm-class che ora sono in produzione.

Ma non solo: con una polarizzazione fissata a 1.1V, il nuovo chip di RAM LPDDR4 di Samsung assicura anche una riduzione del consumo energetico pari a circa il 40%.

Gli smartphone high-end con display UHD (Ultra HD) molto ampi, i tablet e i notebook ultra-slim, oltre ai dispositivi di rete high-performance, rappresentano i sistemi a cui la nuova memoria è indirizzata: le prime consegne saranno espletate da Samsung nel 2014.

Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., the world leader in advanced memory technology, announced today that it has developed the industry’s first eight gigabit (Gb), low power double data rate 4 (LPDDR4), mobile DRAM. "We will continue introducing the most advanced mobile DRAM one step ahead of the rest of the industry so that global OEMs can launch innovative mobile devices with exceptional user convenience in the timeliest manner."

"This next-generation LPDDR4 DRAM will contribute significantly to faster growth of the global mobile DRAM market, which will soon comprise the largest share of the entire DRAM market," said Young-Hyun Jun, executive vice president, memory sales & marketing, Samsung Electronics. "We will continue introducing the most advanced mobile DRAM one step ahead of the rest of the industry so that global OEMs can launch innovative mobile devices with exceptional user convenience in the timeliest manner."

Samsung’s new high-speed 8Gb LPDDR4 mobile DRAM will provide the highest level of density, performance and energy efficiency for mobile memory applications, enabling end users to have faster, more responsive applications, more advanced features, and higher resolution displays while maximizing battery life.

The 8Gb LPDDR4 is fabricated on 20-nanometer (nm) class* process technology, and offers 1 gigabyte (GB) on a single die, which is the largest density available for DRAM components today. With four of the 8Gb chips, a single 4GB LPDDR4 package can provide the highest level of performance available today.

In addition, Samsung’s new 8Gb LPDDR4 uses a Low Voltage Swing Terminated Logic (LVSTL) I/O interface, which was originally proposed by Samsung to JEDEC and has become a standard specification for LPDDR4 DRAM. Based on this new interface, the LPDDR4 chip will enable a data transfer rate per pin of 3,200 megabits per second (Mbps), which is twice that of the 20nm-class LPDDR3 DRAM now in mass production. Overall, the new LPDDR4 interface will provide 50 percent higher performance than the fastest LPDDR3 or DDR3 memory. Also, it consumes approximately 40 percent less energy at 1.1 volts.

With the new chip, Samsung will focus on the premium mobile market including large screen UHD smartphones, tablets and ultra-slim notebooks that offer four times the resolution of full-HD imaging, and also on high-performance network systems.

Samsung is leading mobile DRAM technology development and is the leader in mobile DRAM market share with its 4Gb and 6Gb LPDDR3. It started offering the thinnest and smallest 3GB LPDDR3 (6Gb) package solutions in November and will provide its new 8Gb LPDDR4 DRAM in 2014. The 8Gb mobile DRAM chip will rapidly expand the market for high-density DRAM in next-generation mobile devices.

News Source: Samsung Electronics Press Release

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