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Intel annuncia i processori Xeon E7 v2 perfetti per i Big Data

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19.02.2014 - Intel annuncia i processori Xeon E7 v2 perfetti per i Big Data

Intel ha annunciato la nuova linea di processori denominata Xeon E7 v2. I nuovi chip sono evidentemente finalizzati all'impiego in ambito aziendale: più in dettagli Intel ne sottolinea la propensione per l'elaborazione di grandi moli di dati (applicazione tipica nell'ambito denominato Big Data), attraverso la quale è possibile cogliere i trend e definire al meglio le strategie di business, o nei contesti "mission critical", come i sistemi CRM (Customer Relationship Management).

I nuovi processori Xeon E7 v2 sono utilizzabili per la configurazione di server multi-socket (fino a 32-socket) e ciascuno dei nuovi chip di Intel può gestire fino a 1.5TB di memoria RAM. In accordo a Intel, gli Xeon E7 v2 garantiscono il doppio delle prestazioni rispetto ai prodotti della precedente generazione.

Asus, Bull, Cisco, Dell, EMC, Fujitsu, Hitachi, HP, Huawei, IBM, Inspur, Lenovo, NEC, Oracle, PowerLeader, Quanta, SGI, Sugon, Supermicro, Unisys e ZTE sono alcuni tra i system builder di primo piano a livello mondiale che hanno scelto Xeon E7 v2 per l'equipaggiamento delle proprie configurazioni high-end dedicate al mercato enterprise.

[Immagine ad alta risoluzione]

[Immagine ad alta risoluzione]

To help companies in a variety of industries from retail and healthcare to banking and transportation turn data into actionable insights, Intel Corporation today introduced the Intel Xeon processor E7 v2 family.

Using analytics enables businesses to make decisions that improve top-line and bottom-line results. The Intel Xeon processor E7 v2 family delivers new capabilities to process and analyze large, diverse amounts of data to unlock information that was previously inaccessible.

"Organizations that leverage data to accelerate business insights will have a tremendous edge in this economy," said Diane Bryant, senior vice president and general manager of Intel's Data Center Group. "The advanced performance, memory capacity and reliability of the Intel Xeon processor E7 v2 family enable IT organizations to deliver real-time analysis of large data sets to spot and capitalize on trends, create new services and deliver business efficiency."

Big data and the Internet of Things (IoT) are providing enormous opportunities for many organizations to grow as they create revenue-generating services from the information they are able to derive. The big data technology and services market is expected to grow 27 percent annually through 2017 to reach $32.4 billion. A leading driver of this growth is the immense amount of data coming from connected devices making up the IoT, which is projected to grow to 30 billion devices by 20205. Investments in the highest performing technologies and analysis solutions can also deliver significant cost savings. For example, Intel's IT organization expects to achieve cost savings and increased bottom-line revenue of nearly half a billion dollars through use of analytics solutions by 2016.

New Big Data Processing and Analytics Capabilities with Relentless Reliability
The Intel Xeon processor E7 v2 family has triple the memory capacity of the previous generation processor family, allowing much faster and thorough data analysis. In-memory analytics places and analyzes an entire data set - such as an organization's entire customer database - in the system memory rather than on traditional disk drives. This method is gaining in popularity due to the increased need for more complex analytics. Industry analyst firm Gartner expects 35 percent of mid- to large-sized companies will adopt in-memory analytics by 2015, up from 10 percent in 2012 and predicts at least 50 percent of Global 2000 companies will use in-memory computing to deliver significant additional benefits from investments in enterprise resource planning (ERP).

eBay, one of the world's largest and most complex online marketplaces, handles massive data sets of more than 50 petabytes (PB) for more than 100 million users. Based on initial testing of the new Intel Xeon processor E7 v2 and SAP's HANA in-memory analytics software, eBay has seen greater performance and understanding of larger data sets that will help drive additional revenue opportunities for its customers.

Built for up to 32-socket servers, with configurations supporting up to 15 processing cores and up to 1.5 terabytes (TB) of memory per socket, the new processor family achieves twice the average performance of the previous generation. These enhancements help businesses that run mission critical applications including business support systems (BSS), customer relationship management (CRM), and ERP to operate more efficiently, at lower cost and with faster response times. For example, a sales team with these capabilities can maximize revenue by pinpointing the best time to sell a product, or let an oil and gas company better predict when its platforms require preventative maintenance.

To reduce data bottlenecks, the Intel Xeon Processor E7 v2 family features Intel Integrated I/O, Intel Data Direct I/O and support for PCIe 3.0, achieving up to four times the I/O bandwidth over the previous generation and providing extra capacity for storage and networking connections.

System uptime and reliability also remains a key requirement for mission critical applications. The Intel Xeon Processor E7 v2 family continues Intel's tradition of delivering world-class reliability, availability and serviceability (RAS). Intel Run Sure Technology is designed for "five nines" solutions essential for business-critical data by reducing the frequency and cost of planned and unplanned downtime.

Extensive Industry Support
Starting today, 21 system manufacturers from around the world will announce more than 40 Intel Xeon processor E7 v2 family-based platforms. These manufacturers include Asus, Bull, Cisco, Dell, EMC, Fujitsu, Hitachi, HP, Huawei, IBM, Inspur, Lenovo, NEC, Oracle, PowerLeader, Quanta, SGI, Sugon, Supermicro, Unisys and ZTE. Numerous analytics software vendors also support Xeon processor E7 v2 family-based platforms, including Altibase, IBM, Microsoft, Oracle, Pivotal, QlikView, Red Hat, SAP, SAS, Software AG, Splunk, Sungard, Teradata, TongTech, Vertica and YonYou.

News Source: Intel Press Release

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