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Palit annuncia le card GeForce GTX 750 Ti KalmX e GTX 750 KalmX

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16.07.2014 - Palit annuncia le card GeForce GTX 750 Ti KalmX e GTX 750 KalmX

Palit Microsystems ha annunciato le video card GeForce GTX 750 Ti KalmX e GTX 750 KalmX, due soluzioni basate su chip Maxwell di NVIDIA ed equipaggiate con cooler completamente passivi.

La card assorbono la potenza elettrica esclusivamente attraverso il bus PCI-Express e garantiscono un risparmio energetico pari a oltre il 25% rispetto ai prodotti equivalenti della generazione precedente (Kepler).

La gpu della GeForxe GTX 750 Ti KalmX integra 640 core CUDA, mentre quella della GTX 750 KalmX comprende 512 core CUDA; per entrambe le schede grafiche il core grafico lavora di default a 1020MHz e fino a 1185MHz con GPU Boost. Il frame buffer è implementato con 2GB di RAM G-DDR5 che lavora a 5010MHz e scambia dati con la gpu attraverso un bus a 128-bit.

Il kit di connettori di uscita delle schede è composto da una porta D-Sub, una HDMI in formato mini e una DVI.

[Immagine ad alta risoluzione]

Palit Microsystems Ltd, the leading graphics card manufacturer, releases a new line called KalmX and is consist of GeForxe GTX 750 Ti and GTX 750. With passive cooler and power saving Maxwell architecture, Palit GeForce GTX 750 StormX series - pursue the silnent 0dB gaming environiment.

Utilizing NVIDIA's Maxwell architecture, the Palit GeForce GTX 750 series is capable of providing better performance without the need for more power. It doesn't require any extra power connectors, so you can upgrade your desktop PC without buying a new power supply. Its powerful, ultra-Effient next-gens architecture makes the Palit GTX 750 StormX/KalmX series the weapon of choice for serious gaming at an incredible value. Palit StormX/KalmX cards give you the gaming horsepower to take on today's most demanding titles in full 1080p HD. They deliver 25% more performance than previous-generation cards and up to twice the power efficiency thanks to the next-generation NVIDIA Maxwell architecture.

Palit GeForce GTX 750 Ti/ GTX 750 KalmX Features:

  • Palit New KalmX series - 0dB solution
    1. The first passive cooler for GTX750Ti/GTX 750 in the market
    2. Two nickel plated heat pipes
    3. Vast volume of nickel plated fins
    4. Copper base with heat pipes for best heat dissipation from GPU to fins
  • No external power required, good for small case PC
  • Maxwell architecture-lower power and great performance
  • Affordable GTX series product, great C/P value
  • Advanced Power Saving GTX series.
  • Great Hardware Components

News Source: Palit Microsystems Press Release

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