SAPPHIRE Technology ha annunciato la propria linea di video card Radeon R9 285 non reference in quanto dotate di feature differenti dalle caratteristiche tipiche del design reference.
Si tratta, più in dettaglio, delle seguenti schede grafiche: SAPPHIRE Radeon R9 285 Dual-X, R9 285 Dual-X OC Edition, R9 285 ITX Compact e R9 285 ITX Compact OC Edition.
Le Radeon R9 285 Dual-X e R9 285 Dual-X OC Edition sono equipaggiate con un frame buffer da 2GB e un cooler a doppia ventola, dotato di heat pipe e, in accordo al produttore, particolarmente efficiente a fronte di una rumorosità molto contenuta.
La versione standard R9 285 Dual-X è aderente al design reference dal punto di vista delle frequenze di clock del core grafico della gpu (918MHz) e della memoria on board (1375MHz), mentre la versione OC Edition è una factory-overclocked in cui il core grafico della gpu lavora a 965MHz e il frame buffer a 1400MHz.
Le Radeon R9 285 ITX Compact e R9 285 ITX Compact OC Edition sono entrambe dedicate ai PC di tipo SFF (Small Form Factor); inoltre sono realizzate con l'ausilio dello stesso processore grafico e dello stesso frame buffer delle soluzioni Dual-X. Presentano tuttavia un PCB di dimensioni ridotte (soltanto 17.1cm in lunghezza) e un cooler non reference che include una sola ventola e heat pipe.
La versione standard Radeon R9 285 ITX Compact rispetta il design reference dal punto di vista delle frequenze di clock dei componenti cardine, mentre nel caso della OC Edition il core grafico lavora di default a 928MHz (il frame buffer esibisce invece una velocità pienamente in linea con il valore standard di 1375MHz).
La disponibilità commerciale della linea di Radeon SAPPHIRE R9 285 diverrà effettiva a partire dal 2 settembre.
SAPPHIRE R9 285 Dual-X

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SAPPHIRE R9 285 Dual-X OC Edition

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SAPPHIRE R9 285 ITX Compact

[Immagine ad alta risoluzione]
SAPPHIRE R9 285 ITX Compact OC Edition

[Immagine ad alta risoluzione]

SAPPHIRE Technology has just announced three new models in its successful R9 series of graphics cards based on the latest GCN (Graphics Core Next) architecture from AMD. The SAPPHIRE R9 285 Dual-X is a new model from SAPPHIRE that features a new GCN core and the company's Dual-X cooler. Dual-X, with its two aerofoil fans, and set of graduated sizes of heatpipes, is an efficient and quiet cooler design which received industry acclaim in previous generations of products. The standard R9 285 model has 2GB of the latest GDDR5 memory clocked at 1375MHz (5.5GB/s effective) and a GCN core with 1792 stream processors clocked at 918MHz. The R9 285 OC model features the enhanced clock speeds of 965MHz for the core and 1400MHz for the memory (5.6GB/s effective).
At the same time SAPPHIRE introduces the R9 285 ITX Compact OC edition. Developed specially for small form factor PC systems, this model features a shorter PCB, measuring only 171mm long, and an efficient heatpipe cooler with a single fan. Sharing the same GCN core as the Dual-X models, the ITX Compact is no slouch with core clocks of 928MHz and memory clocks of 1375MHz (5.5GB/s effective).
All three models share the latest features of AMD GCN, including AMD Trueaudio technology for the most realistic sound reproduction in games, as well as AMD Image quality enhancement, AMD HD Media accelerator and AMD PowerTune for optimum performance. They offer support for the very latest games and applications with DirectX 12 and OpenGL 4.4 and the on-board Dual BIOS supports both UEFI and legacy systems.
All three models also support AMD Eyefinity, for multi-screen operation. They are CrossFire ready for accelerated performance using multiple cards in a CrossFire enabled mainboard. No interconnect cables are required as CrossFire is now enabled over the PCI-Express bus.
APP acceleration is also supported for enhanced performance in a wide range of applications using the stream processing capabilities and specific hardware features of the GCN graphics architecture. Typical applications include Video encoding and decoding, compression and multiplexing for media distribution, gaming and video conferencing. APP acceleration can also enhance everyday tasks such as Internet browsing, Office applications and file compression with supported software suites.
The SAPPHIRE R9 285 series of graphics cards will be available from September 2nd from etailers and retailers worldwide.
News Source: SAPPHIRE Technology Press Release