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Photos of a video card 3dfx Voodoo5 6000 with its rare commercial box

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21.01.2018 - Photos of a video card 3dfx Voodoo5 6000 with its rare commercial box

Several photos of a whole commercial bundle of a never sold video card 3dfx Voodoo5 6000 have been posted at [H]ard|OCP's forum by a enthusiast collector named Artex just some time ago.

And it's interesting to observe that these images include some pictures of this product's rare box as well as documentation and setup cdrom.

The retail box shows that 3dfx marketing men dubbed the card as "2D/3D accelerator". Furthermore they have highlighted that Voodoo5 6000 is a "quad-chip SLI" card with a "128MB frame buffer".

In fact four 3dfx VSA-100 chips were mounted on Voodoo5 6000 PCB and 3dfx SLI (Scan-Line Interleave) technology was used to interconnet and manage all graphics processors.

The shown retail box of 3dfx Voodoo5 6000 contains some inedited goodies for a never sold video card like the Voodoo Installation Manual, the Voodoo Driver Installation CD, and the FCC compliance statement.

Also the marketing contents confirm that 3dfx has choosed 166MHz as final clock frequency of the four VSA-100 chips used to build its 3dfx Voodoo5 6000 cards, and a 350MHz RAMDAC for 2D resolutions of up 2048 x 1536 x 32-bit, while maximum 3D resolution is as high as 1600 x 1200 x 32bit.

And, always according to product description, 3dfx Voodoo5 6000 promises and amazing 1.33 Gigapixels per second fill rate and a lot of graphics improvements with the Real-Time Full-Scene Hardware Anti-Aliasing (FSAA), the proprietary T-Buffer Digital Cinematic Effects engine, and the support of FXT1 and DXTC texture compressions.

On the hardware side, the 3dfx Voodoo5 6000 video card showed off at [H]ard|OCP's forum is a sample built according to revision A during week 37 of year 2000, or in short 3700 A.

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