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28.04.2006 - Seagate annuncia un hard drive Barracuda da 750Gb | ||
Fa parte della nuova linea 7200.10 il nuovo disco rigido esterno 750GB Pushbutton Back-up di Seagate, il primo hard drive in assoluto in grado di consentire la memorizzazione di una quantità di dati che può raggiungere i 3/4 di Terabyte. Il disco, che utilizza la tecnologia a memorizzazione verticale capace di assicurare incrementi del bit rate senza richiedere una maggiore velocità di rotazione del disco, arriverà sul mercato a Maggio e costerà circa $599. SCOTTS VALLEY, Calif.—27 April 2006— Seagate Technology (NYSE:STX), the world's number one hard drive maker, today introduced the world's first three-quarter Terabyte external hard drive - the Seagate 750GB Pushbutton Back-up Hard Drive. As the newest addition to Seagate's award winning line of consumer products, the stylish 750GB Pushbutton Back-up Hard Drive is designed to offer the most convenient way for consumers to store all of their treasured digital content right on their desktop. For the first time, digital aficionados can easily manage their ever-increasing digital content on one small desktop device that can hold all of the following: 15,000 digital songs, 15,000 digital photos, 50 hours of home videos, 50 computer games, and 25 DVD movies - with 300GB of additional space left over to easily backup their notebook and desktop computers. What previously would have resided on multiple hard drives in a large enclosure on the floor has now been replaced by Seagate with a sleek, stylish desktop design that takes up as little space as a tape dispenser. "Our lives are increasingly dependent on digital content..." said Jim Druckrey, senior vice president and general manager of Seagate Branded Solutions. "...digital music, photos, movies and documents are the currency of the new millennium. Seagate is changing the rules and providing new solutions for collecting, storing and protecting the artifacts of our digital age, and doing so in ways that more easily fit our lifestyles."
A Digital Content Vault on Your Desk Built on the Barracuda 7200.10 - Industry's leading combination of performance, capacity and reliability The 750GB Pushbutton Back-up Hard Drive is the first 3.5-inch external drive to use Seagate's revolutionary perpendicular recording technology. It is based on the newly announced Barracuda 7200.10 family, with industry-leading data density of up to 188 Gigabytes per disc. Seagate's unmatched data density delivers the best reliability and performance of any PC hard drive in its class.
Availability and Pricing News Source: Seagate Press Release Links |
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