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Electronic Arts sceglie Unreal Engine 3 per i suoi nuovi game

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22.08.2006 - Electronic Arts sceglie Unreal Engine 3 per i suoi nuovi game

La software house Electronic Arts Inc. ha annunciato, mediante il comunicato stampa allegato di seguito, che userà il rivoluzionario motore grafico Unreal Engine 3, sviluppato e concesso in licenza da Epic Games, per la realizzazione di "diversi" giochi di nuova generazione attualmente in fase di programmazione.

[Immagine ad alta risoluzione]

Paul Lee, presidente di EA, ha esaltato l'engine indicandolo come uno strumento tecnologicamente all'avanguardia che, nelle mani esperte degli sviluppatori EA, porterà allo sviluppo e alla realizzazione di nuovi titoli di riferimento per le rispettive categorie di appartenenza.

Mark Rein, vice Presidente di Epic Games, dal conto suo si dice orgoglioso che la tecnologia di Epic sia utilizzata per progetti ludici così importanti come quelli di EA.

Epic Games and Electronic Arts announced that they have entered into a license agreement for EA to adopt the Unreal Engine 3 for use in several next-generation titles that are currently under development. With the largest studio operation in the world, EA employs a variety of engines, tools and technologies to best serve the needs of each game and development team.

Unreal Engine 3 is a vast array of core technologies, content creation tools, and support infrastructure used for developing next-generation console and PC games. The Unreal Engine has been designed to ease content creation and programming, with the goal of putting as much power as possible in the hands of artists with minimal programmer assistance; and to give programmers a highly modular and extensive framework for building, testing, and shipping games in a wide range of genres.

Paul Lee, president of EA studios commented, "At EA, we give our development teams the tools they need to make great games. We license cutting edge tools like the Unreal Engine 3 and combine them with our own systems to create state-of-the-art development technology."

"We're obviously thrilled to license Unreal Engine 3 to EA, the world leader in our industry," said Mark Rein, Vice President, Epic Games, Inc. "They have extremely talented development teams, and we're excited to see how they apply our technology to their high profile game projects."

News Source: Electronic Arts Press Release

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