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YouTube Gameplay: Tomb Raider: Underworld | 1080p | 8x anti-aliasing & 16x aniso

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20.05.2023 - YouTube Gameplay: Tomb Raider: Underworld | 1080p | 8x anti-aliasing & 16x aniso

This's our first footage focused on Tomb Raider: Underworld videogame's gameplay. This one is part of Tomb Raider: Legend trilogy, and, more in general, Tomb Raider: Underworld is ninth chapter in Tomb Raider videogame series.

Released in 2008 by Crystal Dynamics as develper and Eidos Interactive as publisher for several gaming platforms including Windows PCs, this action-adventure is centered on Lara Croft adventures while she searches for Mjolnir, an magic key to enter the realm of Helheim.

Crystal Dynamics has developed Tomb Raider: Underworld using a proprietary technology as graphics engine. This one has been named CDC engine, or Crystal Engine, or also Crystal Dynamics Engine, and obviously shows off Lara from a third-person perspective.

This footage has been recorded with Tomb Raider: Underworld running at 1080p video resolution and with maxed-out graphics settings, including 8x anti-aliasing and 16x anisotropic filtering, both configured at graphics driver level.

Please note you can get a look to many other gameplay videos jumping on the official YouTube channel.


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