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GeCube lancia la Radeon X1950XTX AGP con X-Turbo Cooling

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16.02.2007 - GeCube lancia la Radeon X1950XTX AGP con X-Turbo Cooling

GeCube continua ad offrire schede grafiche Radeon con connessione di tipo AGP verso la motherboard: è di oggi il comunicato stampa - allegato di seguito - mediante il quale il produttore ha annunciato la Radeon X1950XTX (cfr. foto seguente).

[Immagine ad alta risoluzione]

La card, che è basata sulla gpu ATI R580+ (48 pixel pipeline) realizzata in tecnologia a 90nm ed è dotata di 256Mb di memoria video G-DDR3, consente di aggiornare i sistemi hardware non recenti con tutte le principali funzionalità offerte dalla sua edizione in versione PCI-Express. Tra queste ricordiamo la conformita con l'High Definition Content Protection o HDCP ed il supporto delle API DirectX 9 e delo Shader Model 3.0.

A caratterizzare fortemente questa nuova soluzione di GeCube è il sistema di raffreddamento, che il produttore ha chiamato X-Turbo Thermo Electric Chip (TEC) Cooling. L'elevata efficienza di questo permette l'impostazione predeterminata del clock della gpu a 648Mhz mentre le specifiche di ATI prevedono l'operatività di questa a 625MHz. Inoltre, l'utente può selezionare un settaggio di overclock che innalza la frequenza del processore grafico fino a 675MHz: in tali condizioni, il produttore dichiara per il dispositivo una temperatura operativa a regime compresa tra gli 80° e i 90° mentre il livello di rumore è attestato intorno ad un livello di 28db.

GECUBE believes the market of AGP interface advanced graphic card is continuously growing. The story of high-end VGA started at the end of 2006, where the introduction of the X1950PRO series drew much attention from the general public. Today, another bright new product, X1950XT X series, is announced. It uses an ATI RADEON R580+ GPU with GDDR3 256MB and comes with GECUBE’s exclusive X-Turbo fan, built-in Thermo Electric Chip (TEC), and temperature-controlled devices. The core clock speed not only directly challenges that of the X1950XTX level (648MHz), its overclocking speed can also reach at least 675 MHz or even higher. Overclocking can be done with ATI’s built-in Overdrive Control panel. With overclocking, the temperature is still maintained at 70~80°C, which is lower than the normal operating temperature of general graphic card without overclocking. Moreover, the temperature monitor allows game players to overclock at their own will without worrying about burning up the chip. GECUBE believes that “ultimate overclocking capability with enhanced efficiency in heat dissipation” is the newest norm for selecting a graphic card.

GECUBE X1950XT X series AGP interface product has a built-in TEC chip. It effectively prevents the rise in temperature that normally comes with overclocking. You would not need to worry about excessive heat that might affect operations. Four heat pipes and the X-Turbo fan keep the 1950XT X series at a temperature of 70 under 3D environment. All of these safeguard measures guarantee operational stability and ultra-high efficiency. The noise issue that comes with high-speed operation has also been addressed. While under 3D environment, the noise is approximately 28dB, and if it under 2D environment, the noise is 20dB only. GECUBE X1950XT X series’ quiet operation and excellent efficiency ensure the AGP 8X interface has the equal performance as the same level of PCI-Express interface.

The 1950XT X series product supports Shader Model 3.0’s newest infrastructure design, has best Frame Rates in the industry, and 48 pixel pipelines. As a result, it provides an ultra-fast image processing speed. It also supports High Definition Content Protection (HDCP), Blu-ray, HD DVD, 1080i, and HDTV’s high definition video output. When paired with ATI’s exclusive AVIVO display technology, it supports a media format that has the highest resolution at present. It is capable of displaying 1 billion types of color. When activating both the High Dynamic Range (HDR) and Anti-Aliasing (AA)(6X) features simultaneously, a crisp and smooth picture quality is guaranteed. You can enjoy a one of a kind visual experience. Dual DVI (2 Dual link) enhances the resolution significantly. This product is certified by the Windows VistaPremium WHQL (Windows Hardware Quality Labs). You can upgrade your system easily and experience the Vista 3D Aero interface in advance.

News Source: GeCube Press Release

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