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Fujitsu, in sviluppo nuovi hard drive da 2.5

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27.11.2007 - Fujitsu, in sviluppo nuovi hard drive da 2.5

Fujitsu, mediante il comunicato stampa di seguito allegato, ha annunciato che è in corso il lavoro di sviluppo di una nuova gamma di dischi rigidi da 2.5" - siglata MHZ2 BH - in grado di offrire il valore più alto nella sua categoria in termini di capacità di storage: i dischi della linea MHZ2 BH possono infatti contenere fino a 320Gb.

Le altre feature in primo piano di questi prodotti, destinati non soltanto all'utilizzo nei personal computer - sia di tipo desktop che notebook - ma anche all'equipaggiamento di altri dispositivi elettronici, come gli HDD recorder, sono rappresentate dall'interfaccia di tipo SATA a 3Gb/s, dalla velocità di rotazione del disco pari a 5400rpm e dal buffer con capacità di 8Mb.

In accordo al produttore, gli hard drive MHZ2 BH saranno lanciati sul mercato a partire dal prossimo Febbraio 2008.

[Immagine ad alta risoluzione]

Tokyo, November 27, 2007 — Fujitsu Limited today announced the development of the MHZ2 BH series of 2.5" hard disk drives with a maximum capacity of 320 GB. Sales of the new series will begin in February 2008.

Featuring a storage capacity for 2.5" HDDs that is among the highest in the industry, the MHZ2 BH series delivers transfer speeds of up to 300MB per second. The series is designed primarily for use in compact desktop PCs, notebook PCs, and consumer electronics products, such as HDD recorders.

With the addition of this series to its line of HDDs, Fujitsu offers HDDs that optimally meet a range of customer needs.

Due to higher levels of desktop and notebook PC performance and expanding use of the Internet, demand has been increasing in recent years for HDDs that can accommodate heavier volumes of data, such as video and audio data. Moreover, customers are seeking greater energy efficiency, including limits to the amount of heat generated and reduced power consumption. Fujitsu developed the high-capacity MHZ2 BH series to meet these needs.

Supporting Serial ATA3.0Gb/s interface(2), the MHZ2 BH series delivers transfer speeds of up to 300MB per second. Moreover, capitalizing on the vast experience and innovative technology Fujitsu has accumulated through over 40 years of HDD development, the new series achieves the world's lowest levels of power consumption, operating at only 1.9 watts when reading or writing data.

The MHZ2 BH series also conforms to the RoHS Directive(3) limiting the use of certain hazardous substances.

Pricing and Availability
Series Name Price Shipment
MHZ2 BH per order February 2008
Sales Targets

For fiscal 2008

News Source: Fujitsu Press Release

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