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30.12.2007 - Fujitsu lascerà a breve il mercato dei monitor e dei televisori | ||
Mediante il comunicato stampa allegato di seguito Fujitsu ha reso nota la sua decisione di lasciare il segmento di business legato alla produzione di televisori e monitor a flat-panel, "a partire dalla fine di Marzo del prossimo anno". Alla base di questa scelta strategica vi è la constatazione che "il brusco calo dei prezzi che ha interessato negli ultimi anni i dispositivi di visualizzazione a flat-panel ha ridotto notevolmente i margini di profitto per i produttori, fino al punto da rendere ingiustificati ulteriori investimenti in questo ambito". Tanto più che Fujitsu si attende che "questa situazione continuerà nel futuro". At a Board Meeting held on December 27, 2007, the Board of Directors of Fujitsu General Limited passed a resolution to cease activity in the visual display business. The Visual Display Division of Fujitsu General Limited has focused its efforts in the PDP category primarily in overseas markets. The focus of our marketing was high-end value added products, and our marketing direction was to concentrate on the Custom AV market specializing in advanced AV systems and high end custom installations in North America and the United Kingdom. During the past several years, the pricing and profitability of this segment has compressed beyond the point which our company could realize a satisfactory return on investment. We expect that this market situation will continue in the future. In light of these conditions and the business structure of our company, we have decided that we will discontinue participation in the visual display business at the end of March, 2008 and concentrate our operating resources on our core business of heating and ventilation equipment instead. We will ,as a system integrator, continue the visual display business for the domestic business route in Japan and continue to provide after sale service for visual display products after the March 2008 business closure. News Source: Fujitsu Press Release Links |
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