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Samsung da il via all'era dei dischi Solid State Drive (SSD)

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16.02.2008 - Samsung da il via all'era dei dischi Solid State Drive (SSD)

Samsung Electronics ha reso noto di aver avviato la produzione in volumi dei dischi in tecnologia Solid State Drive (SSD) aventi una capacità di memorizzazione pari a 64Gb e una interfaccia di tipo SATA II. Si tratta di unità impiegabili, almeno per il momento, nei notebook di fascia alta, dove possono fare la differenza in termini prestazionali in virtù di un byte rate pari a 100Mb/s in lettura e 80Mb/s in scrittura.

In accordo al comunicato del produttore, si tratta di soluzioni in grado di offrire un incremento prestazionale pari al 60% rispetto ai prodotti SSD con connettività SATA di prima generazione (SATA I) e ben superiore, da due a cinque volte, al livello di performance esibito dagli hard disk drive (HDD) ordinari.

Qualora si focalizzi l'attenzione sul confronto tra gli SSD SATA II, non solo di Samsung, e i dischi tradizionali si scopre che i primi, essendo costruiti con la tecnologia NAND Flash a single-level-cell, prestazioni a parte, dissipano il 75% in meno di potenza elettrica e garantiscono una resistenza agli urti nettamente superiore, non avendo parti in movimento.

Samsung effettuerà le prime consegne dei suoi nuovi SSD Sata II da 64Gb entro la fine del mese; nel giro di poche settimane arriveranno nei notebook di fasci alta di Dell e Alienware.

SEOUL, South Korea - Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd, leader in advanced semiconductor technology, announced today that it has begun mass producing 64 GB solid state drives (SSDs) with its new SATA II interface, offering the highest performance rates in the industry for premium notebook PCs.

Able to read data at 100 megabytes per second and write it at 80 megabytes per second, Samsung’s SATA II SSD is up to 60 percent faster than SATA I drives and performs two to five times faster than conventional hard disk drives (HDDs). It also consumes nearly 75 percent less power than typical HDDs (1.45 watts compared to 2.1 watts) and at 73 grams, SSDs are much lighter than HDDs.

“While there will always be a market for HDDs, we see growing demand for our new SSDs, especially now that they are available with the SATA II interface,” said Jim Elliott, director, flash marketing, Samsung Semiconductor. “SSD technology is especially viable for the business and high-end consumer notebook markets because of its outstanding performance, as well as the added value gained from virtually no downtime and faster operating speeds.”

Extremely reliable, the SATA II SSD is comprised primarily of single-level-cell NAND flash memory, has no moving parts, is noise-free, produces very little heat and is much less susceptible to the shocks and vibrations that can be challenging to traditional disk drives. The new SATA II SSD can resist up to 1500 Gs of shock in a half millisecond compared to a shock resistance rating of 300 Gs in 2 milliseconds for a typical HDD.

Samsung said its 64 GB SATA II SSD, which began shipping earlier this month, will be available as an option within the next few weeks in select Dell and Alienware notebooks.

News Source: Samsung Electronics Press Release

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