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31.03.2008 - AMD annuncia la video card ATI FireGL V7700 per workstation | ||
Ha un MSRP pari a poco meno di $1100 la ATI FireGL V7700, ovvero la nuova soluzione grafica per workstation di AMD, attesa nel mercato internazionale nel prossimo mese di Aprile. La ATI FireGL V7700, che è dotata di supporto per le tecnologie DisplayPort e PCI-Express 2.0 ed è equipaggiata con 512Mb di RAM, è basata su una gpu la cui architettura prevede l'integrazione di 320 unità di shader, il cui impiego viene dinamicamente modulato in funzione del rendering da eseguire. La ATI FireGL V7700, in accordo al produttore, è concepita per offrire "velocità di rendering, accuratezza dei colori (il suo engine a 10-bit è in grado di gestirne oltre il miliardo, ndr) e performance nel 3D superiori a quelle offerte dagli altri prodotti della sua fascia di appartenenza". Computer Aided Design (CAD), Digital Content Creation (DCC) e Medical Imaging sono alcuni tra gli ambiti naturali di impiego della nuova ATI FireGL V7700. [Immagine ad alta risoluzione] AMD today announced it is advancing application performance with stunning imagery through the introduction of the first commercially available 3D workstation graphics card with DisplayPort support. The ATI FireGL V7700 professional graphics accelerator provides superior rendering speed, 3D performance and color fidelity for Computer Aided Design (CAD), Digital Content Creation (DCC) and Medical Imaging professionals. ATI FireGL V7700 delivers the top-quality image quality needed to create photorealistic visualizations of real-world objects and environments —like the design concept for a new aircraft or a home remodel—by providing designers with The Ultimate Visual Experience. "Imaging and 3D professionals require innovative, high-performance solutions and are increasingly turning to AMD to meet their real-world needs. The ATI FireGL family of workstation graphics accelerators is designed to deliver visible advantages and performance leadership at every price point, from entry level to ultra-high end," said Janet Matsuda, senior director of Professional Graphics at AMD. "This accelerator with DisplayPort support is the latest example of AMD's leadership in delivering new graphics technologies ahead of the competition." "The balanced power of the ATI FireGL product line has the accuracy and speed needed for medical imaging applications like mammography screening," said Albert Xthona, product manager for Digital Mammography at Barco. "For example, Mammography viewing uses 10-bit precision to help deliver the most information to the eye of the radiologist, and increasingly other medical applications will rely on 10-bit gray and 30-bit color rendering. With the additional speed offered by the PCI Express 2.0 interface, very large data sets are handled smoothly, saving time for busy medical staff." The new ATI FireGL V7700 workstation graphics accelerator with DisplayPort support brings The Ultimate Visual Experience to life. The card features a 10-bit display engine that can produce more than one billion colors at any given time, delivering unprecedented image fidelity at a lower cost. "Our customers are eager to adopt the latest standards like DisplayPort and PCI Express 2.0 that make their environments more productive while delivering next-generation display capabilities today," said Peter Chen, president, Exxact Corporation. "As an exceptional innovator and promoter of industry standards, it comes as no surprise to learn that AMD is the first to deliver a graphics card with DisplayPort support. Like most AMD innovations, we plan to implement the solution in earnest."
Price Performance Leadership
The ATI FireGL V7700 3D workstation graphics accelerator card is expected to begin shipping in April 2008 and will be available from system integrators and AMD channel partners worldwide. The MSRP is $1,099 USD. News Source: AMD Press Release Links |
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