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TV su PC, ASUS lancia la card My Cinema - PE9400 Combo

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01.04.2008 - TV su PC, ASUS lancia la card My Cinema - PE9400 Combo

Con il comunicato stampa di seguito allegato, ASUS ha presentato di recente al grande pubblico la TV card My Cinema - PE9400 Combo. Si tratta di una soluzione molto versatile, compliant con il bus PCI-Express e capace di offrire all'utente la capacità di ricezione, visualizzazione e registrazione non soltanto del segnale televisivo digitale (ATSC/QAM) ma anche di quello analogico (NTSC, per il momento, ndr).

In accordo al produttore, la My Cinema - PE9400 Combo include un potente encoder MPEG2 con il quale può generare dei filmati di alta qualità, catturando i frame dal segnale televisivo in ingresso, senza gravare sulla cpu del sistema sul quale è installata.

Ancora, al TV card My Cinema - PE9400 Combo è dotata delle funzionalità di PBP (Picture Beside Picture) e PIP (Picture In Picture).

Taipei, Taiwan, March 27, 2008 – Catering to users who require simultaneous viewing and recording of digital and analog TV on their PCs, ASUS, producer of top-notch multimedia products, has today introduced the new PCI-express TV card, the ASUS My Cinema - PE9400 Combo. This versatile piece of hardware is able to support both digital (ATSC/QAM) and analog (NTSC) TV programs formats, and is embedded with a MPEG2 hardware encoder for reduced CPU loading with guaranteed high-quality video output – allowing users to enjoy versatility in an all-in-one PC multimedia package.

High Quality PC TV Solution
With the ASUS My Cinema - PE9400 Combo, users can watch and record high-quality digital (ATSC/QAM) and analog (NTSC) TV programs on their PCs simultaneously. This card adopts the brand-new PCI Express x1 interface, which is faster than the default PCI bus (133Mb/s) in transmission speed, and offers up to 500Mb/s or an improvement of almost 3 times over conventional technology. The PE9400 Combo also features less CPU resource requirements through an embedded MPEG2 hardware encoder so that CPU loading can be dramatically reduced whilst guaranteeing high-quality video when processing transmissions. This allows users to surf the Internet and watch TV programs at the same time! What’s more, the PE9400 Combo comes with a built-in hardware noise reduction technology for the best video enjoyment.

Combo TV for Concurrent Digital and Analog TV
The ASUS My Cinema-PE9400 Combo combines the advantages of an analog TV receiver with a digital TV receiver. Users can watch analog TV with digital TV over the air (or digital TV through a standard coaxial cable) simultaneously. With the built-in PBP (picture beside picture) and PIP (picture in picture) functions, users can also watch either analog TV or digital TV, and record a channel, or record two different channels at the same time.

User-friendly Multimedia Features
The ASUS My Cinema - PE9400 Combo provides users with the choice of viewing digital or analog TV programs, schedule recordings, editing home movies, editing and burning DVD/VCDs, listening to FM and MP3 music or sorting videos and photographs. It can also provide a means to monitor the home with the ASUS VideoSecurity Online technology for a home monitoring system. With so many features bundled into one, the ASUS My Cinema – PE9400 Combo is the perfect choice for users to easily turn PCs into full-fledged multimedia entertainment centers.

Easy Channel Surfing with “Microsoft MCE Certified” Remote Controller
This full function remote controller offers users instant access to TV viewing, TV recording, EPG viewing, and DVD playing; all in the palm of their hands. Users will never miss a moment of their favorite TV programs anymore with the handy “pausing” of live TV programs.

News Source: ASUS Press Release

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