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16.06.2008 - NVIDIA annuncia le gpu GeForce GTX 280 e GeForce GTX 260 | ||
Con il comunicato stampa di seguito allegato, NVIDIA ha presentato ufficialmente la nuova linea di gpu GeForce GTX 200, che include al momento i modelli siglati GeForce GTX 280, orientato all'high-end, e GeForce GTX 260, orientato al mainstream. NVIDIA pone l'accento sulla potenza di calcolo dei suoi nuovi processori grafici - a tal proposito il produttore afferma che la GeForce GTX 280, che è dotata di ben 240 processori di stream, "esegue il client Folding@Home 45 (creato appositamente per tale chip, ndr) 45 volte più velocemente di un processore Core2 Quad a 3GHz di Intel". Inoltre, forti del NVIDIA Unified Architecture di seconda generazione, le gpu GeForce GTX 280 e GeForce GTX 260 offrono "prestazioni in ambito gaming superiori fino al 50% rispetto alle GeForce 8800 Ultra" mentre la tecnologia 3-way NVIDIA SLI consente agli sviluppatori "di implementare motori grafici dotati del supporto per il 3-way alternate frame rendering (AFR) in ambiente Vista". Saranno in commercio a partire da domani le prime schede grafiche basate su GeForce GTX 280, firmate ASUS, BFG, Emtek, EVGA, Gainward, Galaxy, Gigabyte, Innovision, Leadtek, MSI, Palit, PC Partner/Zotac, PNY, Point of View, Unika, Unitek e XFX, mentre le GeForce GTX 260 arriveranno sul mercato il 26 Giugno. Gli MSRP delle card con GTX 280 e GTX 260 sono pari rispettivamente a $649 e $399. [Immagine ad alta risoluzione] [Immagine ad alta risoluzione] [Immagine ad alta risoluzione] SANTA CLARA, CA—JUNE 16, 2008—Imagine instead of taking over five hours to convert a video for your iPod, it only takes 35 minutesi. Imagine using your PC to simulate protein folding to help find a cure for debilitating diseases. Imagine that your PC can dramatically accelerate everyday tasks, and deliver an exciting visual experience in the process. Today that imagination becomes a reality now that the leader in visual computing technologies, NVIDIA (Nasdaq: NVDA), has introduced its new family of GeForce GTX 200 graphics processors (GPUs)—which includes the GeForce GTX 280 and GeForce GTX 260 GPUs—taking graphics beyond gaming and gaming beyond anything that’s ever been possible before on a consumer computing platform. "The advances NVIDIA continues to make in visual computing are simply incredible, and we are excited to be one of the first companies in the world to offer the technology in the new Exhilaration Edition of the award-winning HP Blackbird 002," said Rahul Sood, chief technology officer, HP Voodoo Business Unit. "Exceptional graphics quality and performance is important to our customers, and now the GeForce GTX 200 GPUs are bringing something else into the mix. By using the GPU to enhance everyday applications such as video encoding and manipulating photos, HP Blackbird 002 is one of the most cutting-edge PC platforms ever designed." Graphics Beyond Gaming "Millions of users around the world know how time consuming it is to convert their home videos for use on video sharing sites such as YouTube or for downloading to popular media players such as the iPod," said Sam Blackman, CEO of Elemental Technologies. "Elemental has developed the BadaBOOM Media Converter, a consumer video application scheduled for release in August. By taking advantage of the massively parallel, general-purpose computing architecture of a GeForce GPU, we are able to transcode high-quality video 18 times faster than with CPU-only implementations. This unprecedented performance scaling is the reason why we have made sure that our RapiHDTM Video Platform takes advantage of NVIDIA GPUs." By recognizing that the value of a GPU transcends gaming, an increasing number of applications are also being written that use the GPU for straight, non-graphical computational tasks. For example, Stanford University’s distributed computing computational program Folding@Home, combines the computing horsepower of millions of consumer GPUs to simulate protein folding to help find cures for diseases such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s. With the computing processing power of the GeForce GTX family, applications such as Folding@Home and others can run upwards of 140 times faster on an NVIDIA general-purpose parallel processor than on some of today’s traditional CPUs. "GeForce GPUs will soon deliver the biggest boost in processing power we’ve seen in the history of Folding@Home," said Vijay Pande, Associate Professor of Chemistry, Stanford University. "The GeForce GTX 280 GPU runs Folding@Home 45 times faster than the latest 3GHz Core2 Quad CPU. If just one percent of the world’s GeForce 8- and 9-Series GPUs ran Folding@Home, we would have 70 petaflops of processing power to help find cures for disease. That’s 10 times more processing power than the world’s top 100 supercomputers combined." Gaming That’s Beyond "I haven't been this excited about a new gaming technology in years," said Chris Taylor, CEO and founder of Gas Powered Games. "We're focusing all of our physics efforts on PhysX, and it already delivers the kinds of advanced effects in Space Siege that takes the whole experience to the next level. And in the near-future, you're going to see real-time, Hollywood cinematic-level environmental effects on GPUs like the GeForce GTX 280. We're talking about some wicked-cool technology here!"
Additional features of the GeForce GTX 280 and GeForce GTX 260 GPUs include:
Graphics cards featuring GeForce GTX 280 GPUs will be available starting tomorrow from global leading add-in card manufacturers, such as: ASUS, BFG, Emtek, EVGA, Gainward, Galaxy, Gigabyte, Innovision, Leadtek, MSI, Palit, PC Partner/Zotac, PNY, Point of View, Unika, Unitek, and XFX. Graphics cards featuring GeForce GTX 260 GPUs will be available starting on Thursday, June 26, 2008. Suggested retail pricing for the GeForce GTX 280 and GeForce GTX 260 GPUs are $649 and $399, respectively. News Source: NVIDIA Press Release Links |
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