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31.07.2008 - POINT OF VIEW commercializza 4 video card GeForce 9500 GT | ||
Con il comunicato stampa allegato di seguito, POINT OF VIEW ha lanciato la sua implementazione della scheda grafica GeForce 9500 GT. In accordo al produttore, questa video card è in grado di offrire il triplo delle prestazioni rispetto alle soluzioni di pari fascia basate, però, su una gpu di classe GeForce 8. Al momento POINT OF VIEW ha commercializzato ben quattro varianti della scheda GeForce 9500GT, di seguito elencate.
Sostanzialmente, il board-maker ha realizzato tutte le possibili implementazioni del design reference che NVIDIA ha previsto per la sua nuova gpu, al variare della tipologia (DDR2/DDR3) e del quantitativo (1024Mb, 512Mb e 256Mb) di RAM on-board. [Immagine ad alta risoluzione] POINT OF VIEW, well known for its range of NVIDIA based Graphics cards, is launching today the GeForce 9500 GT. Your PC is now more visual than ever. Supercharge this visual experience with the NVIDIA GeForce 9500 GT GPU – there is no better investment to provide more vibrant photos, smoother videos, and more realistic gaming.
Future-proof your PC with performance-enhancing technology Double the power of a single graphics card with NVIDIA SLI technology. The SLI- ready GeForce 9500 GT graphics card can be paired with an identical 9500 GT-based card for up to 2X the performance of a single card set-up. Compatible with PCI Express and the new PCI Express 2.0 bus architecture, GeForce 9500 GT offers a future-proofing bridge to tomorrow's most bandwidth-hungry games and 3D applications. The POINT OF VIEW will deliver the 9500GT in different models.
These cards are available from today. Visit the “Where to Buy” section of our website for a sales point in your country. News Source: POINT OF VIEW Press Release Links |
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