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17.10.2008 - NVIDIA lancia la gpu Quadro CX, ottimizzata per Photoshop CS4 | ||
Con il comunicato stampa di seguito allegato, NVIDIA ha annunciato la nuova gpu NVIDIA Quadro CX, una soluzione destinata all'ambito professionale, ottimizzata per eseguire al meglio le funzionalità offerte dal software grafico Adobe Creative Suite 4, che include applicativi molto noti come Adobe Photoshop CS4, Adobe After Effects CS4 e Adobe Premiere Pro CS4. Il campo di impiego del nuovo processore grafico di NVIDIA va naturalmente ben oltre al supporto ottimale fornito agli utenti di ACS4; la Quadro CX è infatti molto efficiente nell'elaborazione in real-time (image rotation e zooming, ad esempio) e nella codifica H.264, dove si sente, e non poco, la dotazione della tecnologia proprietaria CUDA. Le schede grafiche basate su Quadro CX sono già in commercio; NVIDIA ne ha indicato l'MSRP, che è pari a $1.999. [Immagine ad alta risoluzione] SANTA CLARA, CA—OCTOBER 16, 2008—NVIDIA today introduced its new accelerator for Adobe Creative Suite 4 software, the NVIDIA Quadro CX. This new GPU provides creative professionals with a faster, better, more reliable way to maximize their creativity. Quadro CX was architected to deliver the best performance for the new GPU-optimized features of Adobe Creative Suite 4. "Adobe is at the forefront of the Visual Computing Revolution," said Dan Vivoli, executive vice president of marketing at NVDIA. "CS4’s GPU features are sending shockwaves through the creative industry." "Photoshop users are always looking for maximum performance, and we recognized that tapping into the power of the GPU is one way to give it to them," said Kevin Connor, vice president of product management for Professional Digital Imaging at Adobe. "Thanks to NVIDIA’s efforts to optimize the Quadro CX product for CS4, users can be assured of a dramatically fast and fluid experience on tasks such as panning, zooming, and rotating large images as well as manipulating 3D content." NVIDIA specifically designed and optimized the Quadro CX to enhance the performance of Adobe Creative Suite 4 product line and meet the unique needs of the Creative Suite 4 professional. Adding NVIDIA Quadro CX to the pipeline gives creative professionals a faster, better, and more reliable experience. With NVIDIA Quadro CX users can encode H.264 videos at lightning-fast speeds with the NVIDIA CUDA-enabled plug-in for Adobe Premiere Pro CS4, RapiHD from Elemental Technologies; accelerate rendering time for advanced effects; and accurately preview what deliverables will look like with 30-bit color or uncompressed 10-bit/12-bit SDI before final outputi. Adobe Creative Suite 4 software now has added optimization to take advantage of GPU technology, including the parallel processing capability in the Quadro CX GPU. These enhancements accelerate a number of visually intensive operations, including:
NVIDIA Quadro CX is available starting today, from leading resellers, e-tailers, and retailers, for $1,999 USD. For more information on NVIDIA Quadro and the new Quadro CX, please visit: www.nvidia.com/quadrocx. News Source: NVIDIA Press Release Links |
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