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07.11.2008 - NVIDIA presenta i risultati finanziari del terzo trimestre del FY 2009 | ||
NVIDIA non sta attraversando un momento particolarmente felice dal punto di vista finanziario. Lo si evince dai risultati conseguiti nel terzo trimestre dell'anno fiscale 2009, pubblicati oggi mediante il seguente comunicato stampa. In accordo al chip maker, ammonta a 897.7 milioni di dollari il fatturato del Q3 '09, che è stato invece pari a 1.12 miliardi di dollari nello stesso periodo dell'anno precedente. L'effetto netto è un calo di circa il 20%. L'altra faccia della medaglia è costituita, però, dalla valutazione del fatturato nel periodo che si estende sui nove mesi precedenti il 26 Ottobre 2008, allorquando le revenue di NVIDIA sono state pari a 2.94 miliardi di dollari, e dunque superiori di circa due punti percentuali rispetto a quelle registrate dal produttore nei nove mesi che anno preceduto il 28 Ottobre 2007 (2.90 miliardi di dollari). For the third quarter of fiscal 2009, revenue was $897.7 million compared to $1.12 billion for the third quarter of fiscal 2008, a decrease of 20 percent. For the nine months ended October 26, 2008, revenue increased to $2.94 billion compared to $2.90 billion for the nine months ended October 28, 2007, an increase of 2 percent. During the third quarter of fiscal 2009, NVIDIA recorded an $8.3 million charge against operating expenses related to restructuring costs in connection with its workforce reduction. These pre-tax charges are comprised of severance and related expenses. NVIDIA's results for the third quarter of fiscal 2009, computed in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles(GAAP), included net income of $61.7 million, or $0.11 per diluted share. Non-GAAP net income for the third quarter of fiscal 2009, which excludes stock-based compensation charges, a non-recurring charge against cost of revenue related to a royalty dispute, a restructuring charge against operating expenses, and the associated tax impact, was $111.4 million, or $0.20 per diluted share. GAAP net income for the nine months ended October 26, 2008 was $117.6 million, or $0.20 per diluted share, compared to $540.7 million, or $0.89 per diluted share, for the nine months ended October 28, 2007. Non-GAAP net income for the nine months ended October 26, 2008, which excludes stock-based compensation charges, a non-recurring charge against cost of revenue related to a royalty dispute, a non-recurring warranty charge against cost of revenue, a restructuring charge against operating expenses, and the associated tax impact was $397.7 million, or $0.68 per diluted share, compared to $626.7 million, or $1.06 per diluted share, for the nine months ended October 28, 2007. "We made good progress on multiple fronts during the quarter," said Jen-Hsun Huang, president and CEO of NVIDIA. "Improving gross margin while managing operating expenses enabled us to significantly improve our operating fundamentals. We transitioned our performance segment GPUs to 55 nanometers and are now poised to recapture lost share. We entered the fastest growing segment of the PC market with our first notebook chipset for Intel processors, and delivered on several exciting new growth initiatives -- 3-way SLI for the Intel Core i7 processor platform, Quadro CX for Adobe CS4 creative professionals and the Tesla supercomputing processor."
Third Quarter Fiscal 2009 and Recent Highlights:
NVIDIA will conduct a conference call with analysts and investors to discuss its third quarter fiscal 2009 financial results and current financial prospects today at 2:00 P.M. Pacific Time (5:00 P.M. Eastern Time). To listen to the call, please dial (212) 231-2901. A live Web cast (listen-only mode) of the conference call will be held at the NVIDIA investor relations Web site http://www.nvidia.com/ir and at http://www.streetevents.com. The Web cast will be recorded and available for replay until the Company's conference call to discuss its financial results for its fourth quarter fiscal 2009.
Non-GAAP Measures News Source: NVIDIA Press Release Links |
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