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ASUS annuncia nuove HD 4870 X2 e HD 4830 in versione custom

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08.11.2008 - ASUS annuncia nuove HD 4870 X2 e HD 4830 in versione custom

Asus ha reso noto, mediante il comunicato stampa allegato di seguito, di aver realizzato nuove schede grafiche basate su una gpu ATI, caratterizzate da un design personalizzato del PCB e da un cooler particolarmente efficiente, che pemette di ridurre notevolmente la temperatura della gpu (che può risultare inferiore fino a 24° rispetto al valore ottenibile con i sistemi di raffreddamento reference), pur mantenendo un livello di rumore pari a 29db.

I prodotti che beneficiano delle nuove soluzioni tecnologiche, che includono una schermatura per la prevenzione delle interferenze elettromagnetiche o EMI (Electro-Magnetic Interference), l'integrazione esclusiva sul PCB di condensatori polimerici, che garantiscono una bassa impedenza alle alte frequenze e una ridotta dissipazione di potenza elettrica rispetto ai componenti omologhi tradizionali, e transistor MOSFET a bassa impedenza, al momento sono una Radeon HD 4870 X2 siglata EAH4870X2 e una Radeon HD 4830 siglata EAH4830, mostate di seguito in accordo all'ordine di citazione.

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[Immagine ad alta risoluzione]

Taipei, Taiwan, November 7, 2008 – In order to cater to users who require excellent graphical performance boosts and exceptional cooling from their graphic cards, ASUS, world-leading producer of top quality graphics solutions, has today introduced two ranges of self-designed graphics cards, namely the EAH4870X2 and the latest EAH4830 Series. These ASUS designed graphics cards are equipped with specially designed fansinks that deliver extreme cooling of up to 24°C for the GPU and low noise-levels of only 29 dB—greatly enhancing the gaming enjoyment of users. The inclusion of the Electro-Magnetic Interference (EMI) shield, Covered Chokes, low RDS (on) mosfets and the Stabilizer Solid Polymer Aluminum Capacitors infuses extreme performance with durability for total peace of mind.

Enjoy Up to 24°C Cooler GPUs with Specially Designed Fansink
A specially designed Tri-Fansink is utilized with the ASUS self-designed EAH4870X2 Series to effectively keep both GPUs and other critical heat generating components cool. Three large fans bring in massive amounts of cool air to dissipate heat away from both sides. The Jet Engine design of the fansink also channels more centralized air stream for higher air pressure and better heat dissipation efficiency. Furthermore, this fansink also features a skive-fin heatsink which is manufactured to high technical requirements that maximizes heat dissipation and minimizes any chance of overheating. With this Tri-Fansink, the temperature of both GPUs can thus be lowered up to an amazing 24ºC in comparison to reference design boards. The latest EAH4830 Series also comes equipped with a specially designed fansink to quickly transfer heat away from the GPU for extreme cooling*. Besides the extraordinary cooling capacity, the fansink on the EAH4830 Series operates with noise levels of only 29 dB—almost imperceptible in a quiet room, catering to users who require maximum cooling without excessive fan rotation noise.

Unparalleled Efficiency and Performance with Ultimate Armaments
Keeping in line with ASUS’ Rock Solid promise for quality, the upcoming ASUS self-designed version of the EAH4870X2 and the latest EAH4830 Series will come with several solutions that will help deliver top quality graphic performances. With the EMI shield, 66% of EMI can be reduced for more stable signals; while the Covered Chokes guarantee more efficient power and less heat generation in comparison with traditional Toroidal Coil Chokes. Additionally, the low RDS(on) mosfets lower temperatures by 10–15°C in comparison with the traditional thicker versions, and last but not least, the Stabilizer Solid Polymer Aluminum Capacitors reduces power loss for more stable operations and durability—even under long-term use. Therefore, users will be able to enjoy extreme performance and have peace of mind—only with the ASUS EAH4870X2 and the latest EAH4830 Series.

* Testing Platform
CPU: P4 3.0G
M/B: P5B Deluxe
RAM: 1.0 GB
O.S.: Windows XP
Test Program: 3D Mark ’03 (repeat GT4 / Mother Nature)
-Overclocking capabilities may vary when using different cards

News Source: ASUS Press Release

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