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10.02.2009 - Lite-On annuncia tre masterizzatori DVD che scrivono a 24X | ||
Lite-On ha annunciato tre nuovi masterizzatori DVD interni in grado di vantare una velocità massima in fase di scrittura pari a 24X, valore questo non raggiunto da nessun'altra device di questo tipo. Segue l'elenco dei nuovi DVD writer con il dettaglio sulla interfaccia verso il sistema, le tecnologie supportate e il periodo di lancio.
Oltre alla ben nota LightScribe, i drive includono le tecnologie proprietarie SmartErase e LabelTag. La prima evolve la fase di rimozione dei dati mentre la seconda permette di ridurre i costi del labeling dei dischi. iHAS324 [Immagine ad alta risoluzione] iHAP424 [Immagine ad alta risoluzione] iHAS624 [Immagine ad alta risoluzione] Lite-On, a global leader of optical storage solutions, today announces a new line of internal DVD writers that deliver a maximum write speed of 24X on select DVD media, the fastest in the market. Select drives will also include Lite-On's own LabelTag and SmartErase technologies - unique labeling and data erasing features for DVDs and CDs. Compared to similar devices in the market today, Lite-On's new internal writers offer the fastest DVD recording available with its DVD writing speeds of 24X. All drives will include new Lite-On technologies designed for true power users who are concerned with more than just writing speeds. Lite-On's SmartErase technology will be included in all drive versions, and the iHAS624, available in Mid-May, will also feature LabelTag - a new solution in disc labeling. "PLDS is proud to manufacture the fastest 24X writers in the market, especially with included technologies such as LabelTag," said Christine Hsing, Marketing Manager at PLDS. "LabelTag provides a cost-effective and flexible method for professional disc labeling, a great solution for today's busy professional and people on-the-go." LabelTag is a patented new feature that allows users to create a label ring on the data side of any standard recordable media - no special media required. Users are still able to add data after the making a label, making burning your label is just as easy as burning your data. SmartErase, which is included in all new 24X DVD writers, provides users with a permanent solution for erasing discs with confidential data. With SmartErase, users can be sure that private and sensitive data is securely erased and cannot be recaptured. These new DVD writers will be available in the following versions:
- iHAS324 - 24X SATA with SmartErase; available in Mid-March For more product information, please visit www.liteonit.com. News Source: PLDS (Philips & Lite-On Digital Solutions) Press Release Links |
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