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NVIDIA rilascia il driver 181.71 per il supporto di Windows 7 beta

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03.03.2009 - NVIDIA rilascia il driver 181.71 per il supporto di Windows 7 beta

Con il comunicato stampa di seguito allegato, NVIDIA ha presentato il rilascio del driver GeForce 181.71 finalizzato alla configurazione delle schede grafiche di classe GeForce 6, 7, 8, 9 e 200 con la versione beta di Windows 7 resa disponibile da Microsoft per il testing pubblico. Il driver č compatibile con Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM) 1.1 in abbinamento alle gpu DirectX 10 (GeForce 8, 9 e 200) e con WDDM 1.0 in abbinamento alle gpu DirectX 9 (GeForce 6 e 7).

Supporta Direct3D, Direct2D, DirectWrite, CUDA, PhysX (tramite PhysX System Software v. 9.09.0203), SLI e OpenGL.

SANTA CLARA, CA—MARCH 2, 2009—NVIDIA today announced the immediate availability of new graphics drivers from for NVIDIA GeForce GPU owners running the new Windows 7 Beta. Today’s availability represents the start of regular NVIDIA driver updates for the forthcoming operating system from Microsoft. Windows 7 will be the first Windows operating system to fully integrate and take advantage of the GPU for both graphics and parallel computing.

"Since its release last month, the Windows 7 Beta has been eagerly tested by hundreds of thousands of NVIDIA GeForce owners, who are excited about the many graphical improvements Microsoft has added into the upcoming operating system," said Ujesh Desai, vice president of GeForce desktop business at NVIDIA.

GeForce version 181.71 graphics drivers, released today on, support the new Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM) v1.1 from Microsoft. Powered by NVIDIA DirectX 10 GPUs, WDDM v1.1 drivers provide an optimal visual experience in Windows 7. These drivers offer increased performance and reliability in both 2D and 3D applications, including the 3D Windows Aero desktop.

"We expect that all of our hard work teaming with Microsoft over the past two years will pay off for GeForce GPU owners when Windows 7 officially launches," said Dwight Diercks, vice president of software engineering at NVIDIA. "Our customers are demanding an experience that is faster and more visual, and with the addition of many new GPU-accelerated features, including DirectX Compute, we believe Windows 7 will be well positioned to meet those needs."

To download the new Windows 7 Beta drivers for NVIDIA GPUs, please visit:


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