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20.03.2009 - NVIDIA: Nintendo adotta la tecnologia PhysX per la console Wii | ||
Con il comunicato per la stampa di seguito allegato, NVIDIA ha reso noto di aver raggiunto un accordo con Nintendo in base al quale gli sviluppatori dei game destinati alla console Wii potranno utilizzare la tecnologia NVIDIA PhysX per incrementare ulteriormente il realismo dei propri titoli. Pił in dettaglio, Nintendo ha ottenuto la licenza d'uso del Software Development Kit (SDK) di NVIDIA PhysX, che include l'engine PhysX e le API per il suo utilizzo con le applicazioni di alto livello, ovvero i giochi in tale contesto. Il chip maker statunitense, tuttavia, non ha reso nota la data in corrispondenza della quale sarą disponibile il primo titolo per Wii basato su NVIDIA PhysX. SANTA CLARA, CA - MARCH 19, 2009 - NVIDIA Corporation today announced that it has been approved as a third party tools solution provider for the Wii console. As a result, the NVIDIA PhysX technology SDK is now available to registered Wii developers. "Nintendo has reshaped the home entertainment and video game market with the success of the Wii console. Adding a PhysX SDK for Wii is key to our cross-platform strategy and integral to the business model for our licensed game developers and publishers," said Tony Tamasi, senior vice president of content and technology at NVIDIA. "With NVIDIA PhysX technology, developers can easily author more realistic game environments for the evolving demands of a broad class of Wii gamers." The NVIDIA PhysX software development kit (SDK) consists of a full-featured API and robust physics engine, designed to give developers, animators, level designers, and artists unprecedented creative control over character and object physical interactions by allowing them to author scalable physics in real time. The PhysX SDK for the Wii console, and all major gaming platforms, are available for license directly from NVIDIA. For more information on licensing PhysX SDKs or NVIDIA PhysX technology, please visit: www.nvidia.com/physx. News Source: NVIDIA Press Release Links |
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