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26.03.2009 - Khronos Group annuncia le specifiche delle API OpenGL 3.1 | ||
Il consorzio Khronos Group ha ufficialmente rilasciato le specifiche delle API OpenGL 3.1 utilizzate nell'ambito della grafica 3D. OpenGL 3.1 include una rinnovata versione, la 1.40, del linguaggio GLSL, una maggiore compatibilità con le funzionalità di cui è dotato il moderno hardware video dal punto di vista della programmabilità, e miglioramenti del vertex processing e delle funzionalità di texturing in genere. In accordo al comunicato stampa di presentazione emesso dal Khronos Group, a breve saranno sul mercato le prime implementazioni delle nuove specifiche. Le specifiche di OpenGL 3.1 sono state formalizzate nel documento The OpenGL Graphics System: A Specification (Version 3.1 - March 24, 2009). 24th March, 2009 - GDC, San Francisco, CA - The Khronos Group announced today it has publicly released the OpenGL 3.1 specification that modernizes and streamlines the cross-platform, royalty-free API for 3D graphics. OpenGL 3.1 includes GLSL 1.40, a new version of the OpenGL shading language, and provides enhanced access to the latest generation of programmable graphics hardware through improved programmability, more efficient vertex processing, expanded texturing functionality and increased buffer management flexibility. OpenGL 3.1 implementations are expected shortly from multiple vendors. The new OpenGL 3.1 specification and more details are available at www.khronos.org/opengl. OpenGL 3.1 leverages the evolutionary model introduced in OpenGL 3.0 to dramatically streamline the API for simpler and more efficient software development, and accelerates the ongoing convergence with the widely available OpenGL ES mobile and embedded 3D API to unify application development. The OpenGL 3.1 specification enables developers to leverage state-of-the-art graphics hardware available on a significant number of installed GPUs across all desktop operating systems. According to Dr. Jon Peddie of Jon Peddie Research, a leading graphics market analyst in California, the installed base of graphics hardware that will support OpenGL 3.1 exceeds 100 million units. OpenGL 3.0 drivers are already shipping on AMD, NVIDIA and S3 GPUs. Concurrently with the release of the OpenGL 3.1 specification, the OpenGL ARB has released an optional compatibility extension that enables application developers to access the OpenGL 1.X/2.X functionality removed in OpenGL 3.1, ensuring full backwards compatibility for applications that require it. "The rapid nine month development of OpenGL 3.1 demonstrates the schedule-driven approach to the standard that is enabling and inspiring cutting edge, cross-platform GPU functionality," said Barthold Lichtenbelt, chair of the OpenGL ARB working group at Khronos. "OpenGL 3.1 answers the requests from the developer community to streamline and modernize the OpenGL API. The OpenGL ARB will continue to leverage the unique evolutionary model introduced in OpenGL 3.0 to drive the ongoing revolution in OpenGL while ensuring backwards compatibility where it is needed." OpenGL 3.1 introduces a broad range of significant new features including:
Member Quotes "NVIDIA is committed to the rapid adoption of OpenGL 3.1 and we are proud to release our beta drivers on the same day as the specification itself," said Dan Vivoli, vice president of marketing at NVIDIA. "OpenGL 3.1 marks over 15 years of tradition in advancing the state-of-the-art for graphics developers." About OpenGL About The Khronos Group Collegamenti |
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