Sei in:HomeNews Crucial Radeon X800 Pro 256Mb Review by
Crucial Radeon X800 Pro 256Mb Review by
a cura di Giacomo Usiello | pubblicato il 3 ottobre 2005
There is a new article by It is about a Crucial product: the Radeon X800 Pro 256Mb video card with AGP interface. We analyzed its architecture, functionalities and performances in gaming.
This card uses the vpu ATI R420, 256Mb SDRam GDDR3 as local memory and an AGP 8x interface for giving to the final user both high performances in videogaming and the typical VIVO (Video In Video Out) features.
Special thanks to Ugo Petillo, Computer Engineer and member of our team, for his technical contribution and for supervising the english translation.
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