Il consorzio HDMI Forum ha annunciato il completamento della versione 2.0 della specifica HDMI (High Definition Multimedia Interface). In base al comunicato stampa ufficiale, che vi presentiamo di seguito in lingua originale, HDMI 2.0 assicura una maggiore banda rispetto alle versioni ora in commercio, supportando uno stream dei dati la cui velocità può raggiungere il valore di 18Gbps.
In tal modo è possibile lavoare con segnali video di tipo 4K a 50Hz o 60Hz (4K@50/60) ottenendo una qualità dell'immagine che, in accordo allo stesso consorzio HDMI Forum, risulta essere "quattro volte superiore" a quella del segnale Full HD (1080p/60). HDMI 2.0 introduce inoltre la gestione di 32 canali audio.
HDMI 2.0 è compatibile all'indietro, per cui gli apparati di vecchia generazione potranno essere abbinati ai nuovi; inoltre, tale specifica non implica l'introduzione di nuovi cavi poichè gli attuali di categoria 2 sono in grado di supportare la banda massima di HDMI 2.0.

[Immagine ad alta risoluzione]

HDMI Forum, Inc., a non-profit, mutual benefit corporation, today announced the release of Version 2.0 of the HDMI Specification. This latest HDMI Specification, the first to be developed by the HDMI Forum, offers a significant increase in bandwidth (up to 18Gbps) to support new features such as 4K@50/60 (2160p), which is 4 times the clarity of 1080p/60 video resolution; 32 audio channels; as well as dynamic auto lip-sync and extensions to CEC. The complete Version 2.0 of the HDMI Specification is available to Adopters on the HDMI Adopter Extranet. HDMI Licensing, LLC will host a press conference to discuss the new features of the HDMI 2.0 Specification at IFA 2013 in Berlin on Friday, September 6 at 12:00pm in the TecWatch Forum area of Hall 11.1.
Version 2.0 of the HDMI Specification, which is backward compatible with earlier versions of the Specification, was developed by the HDMI Forum’s Technical Working Group whose members represent some of the world’s leading manufacturers of consumer electronics, personal computers, mobile devices, cables and components. The HDMI Forum currently has a membership of 88 companies.
"The introduction of the HDMI 2.0 Specification represents a major milestone for the HDMI Forum," said Robert Blanchard of Sony Corporation, president of the HDMI Forum. "Our members collaborated closely to take the highly successful HDMI Specification to the next level by expanding audio and video features for consumer electronics applications."
The HDMI Forum has chosen HDMI Licensing, LLC to be the Agent to license Version 2.0 of the HDMI Specification. In this role, HDMI Licensing, LLC will provide marketing, promotional, licensing and administrative services, as well as education on the benefits of the HDMI Specification to adopters, retailers, and consumers.
"We are pleased to continue our work in supporting the HDMI Adopter base as well as the entire HDMI ecosystem," said Steve Venuti, president of HDMI Licensing, LLC. "Adopters can now continue to develop new product functionality over the HDMI interface as well as look to HDMI Licensing, LLC as their single contact for all their licensing and administrative needs."
Version 2.0 of the HDMI Specification does not define new cables or new connectors. Current High Speed cables (category 2 cables) are capable of carrying the increased bandwidth.
The HDMI 2.0 Compliance Test Specification (CTS) is expected to be released before the end of 2013.
For more information about Version 2.0 of the HDMI Specification please visit: www.hdmi.org.
Source: HDMI Forum Press Release