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Sei in: Home  News  ASUS annuncia nuovi BIOS finalizzati all'overclocking delle cpu Intel
ASUS annuncia nuovi BIOS finalizzati all'overclocking delle cpu Intel
a cura di Giacomo Usiello | pubblicato il 18 giugno 2014
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ASUS ha annunciato nuovi BIOS con i quali è possibile aggiornare le proprie motherboard basate sui chipset Intel H97, H87, B85 e H81 al fine di estenderne le capacità nell'ambito dell'overclocking.

Più in dettaglio, ASUS ha realizzato nuove release del BIOS delle schede madri citate in precedenza attraverso le quali è possibile overcloccare sia il processore dual-core Pentium Anniversary Edition (PAE) siglato G3258 che i chip Intel Core K Series di quarta generazione (sia Haswell che Haswell Refresh), tra i quali citiamo a titolo di esempio i seguenti: Core i7 4770K, Core i5 4670K, Core i7-4790K e i5-4690K.

Finora era possibile far lavorare questi processori in overclocking utilizzando esclusivamente le motherboard ASUS basate sul chipset Z97, che tuttavia risultano essere più costose rispetto alle soluzioni equipaggiate con i chipset Intel H97, H87, B85 e H81.

[Immagine ad alta risoluzione]

ASUS today announced that its H97, H87, B85 and H81 Series motherboards are able to overclock the latest Intel Pentium Anniversary Edition processor (G3258), 4th-generation Intel Core K Series ('Haswell') and new 4th-generation Intel Core K Series (‘Haswell Refresh’) processors. The combination of the Pentium Anniversary Edition processor and non-Z chipsets represents the best choice for mainstream overclocking, delving both great value and superb performance.

The overclocking features of the Intel Pentium Anniversary Edition processor, 4th-generation and new 4th-generation Intel Core K Series processors have traditionally been limited to Intel Z chipsets. With ASUS H97, H87, B85 and H81 Series motherboards, performance enthusiasts are now able to exploit the overclocking power of those processors via the award-winning ASUS UEFI BIOS.

When a compatible Pentium Anniversary Edition processor, 4th-generation or new 4th-generation Intel Core K Series processor is inserted into an ASUS H97, H87, B85 or H81 Series motherboard, the CPU’s overclocking potential will be detected automatically and the related tuning items to adjust the CPU ratio will appear in the UEFI BIOS. Notes: 1.Users should refer to the relevant ASUS motherboard support page for correct BIOS version.

2.The 4th-generation Intel Core K Series (‘Haswell’ and ‘Haswell Refresh’) processors include Core i7 4770K, Core i5 4670K, Core i7-4790K and i5-4690K. ASUS does not guarantee that later-announced Intel CPUs with overclocking features (‘Haswell Refresh K’ Series) will be overclockable on ASUS H97, H87, B85 and H81 Series motherboards.

3.ASUS H97 Series motherboards are able to overclock only the ‘CPU ratio’ of the new Pentium processor, 4th-generation and new 4th-generation Intel Core K Series (‘Haswell and Haswell Refresh’) processors.

4.ASUS does not guarantee that Intel new Pentium processor and Core K Series (‘Haswell’ and ‘Haswell Refresh’) processors will be overclockable on ASUS H97, H87, B85 and H81 Series motherboards in the event that Intel issues software and firmware updates that result in function changes.

5.Overclocking may affect a system’s stability, or even cause damage to the components

Source: ASUS Press Release
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