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Latest modded system for retrogaming with a video card 3dfx Voodoo5 5500
a cura di Giacomo Usiello | pubblicato il 28 aprile 2019
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The latest and definitive implementation of the extreme hardware system designed for retrogaming with a graphics subsystem based on 3dfx technology is up and running, as you can see by following photos and video posted in this page.

Retrogaming system with 3dfx Voodoo5 5500

This is a work by 3dfx enthusiast and highly skilled hardware modder Francesco De Vita aka ciacara on Some time ago Francesco wrote user guide entitled How to install 3dfx Voodoo5 5500 video card on Abit AN7 AGP 8X motherboard posted at

3.3V supply voltage mod for 3dfx Voodoo5 5500

Latest implementation of this 3dfx-based retrogaming system brings out an optimized (based on a single power point) version of the hardware mod finalyzed to assure supply voltage equal to 3.3V for video card Voodoo5 5500 mounted in AGP 4x/8x slot of the Abit AN7 motherboard.

Zalman ZM-NB32K heatsinks mod for 3dfx Voodoo5 5500

Furthermore, active coolers of 3dfx VSA-100 chips are now made with original 3dfx AAVID fans and with two Zalman ZM-NB32K heatsinks (these ones are typically used as fan less solutions).

Abit AN7 motherboard

And several improvements have been carried also to Abit AN7 motherboard, including a new coooler for the chipset NVIDIA nForce2 MCP-T, and to appearance of all components mounted in NZXT Trinity black case.

System information and testing results

Full textual description of this hardware system, including its history with the full evolution path, is available in a thread at in both english and italian language.

Lastly, two YouTube videos - a full and a short version - are available as well to summarize Francesco works to complete this retrogaming system.

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