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 AMD Unveils World's Ultimate PC Processor For 3D Games
— Newest member of AMD64 processor family is designed to satisfy the needs of power-hungry gamers and enthusiasts —SUNNYVALE, CALIF. -- June 27, 2005 --As part of an ongoing effort to deliver the industry’s highest-performing PC technology, AMD (NYSE: AMD) today announced the immediate availability of the AMD Athlon 64 FX-57 processor, the world’s...

 SFFT Driver Alpha 31 - 3dfx Voodoo3/4/5 - Windows 2000/XP
Newer Windows 2000/XP SFFT driver release is available now: it comes of course with two packages (one for VSA-100 cards and one for Voodoo3 family cards).What's new?A SLI blt fix (Voodoo5)Some fixes for default textures (Voodoo3/4/5)SFFT Driver InstallationBecause this driver kit does not hold both installer utility and 3dfx Tools you would respectively...

 Prime foto del Mac di Apple basato su hardware Intel
Pubblicate dal sito Think Secret le foto in esclusiva di uno dei primi computer Mac di Apple basato su una piattaforma hardware Intel Think Secret ha reso disponibili le prime foto di una Apple Development Platform ADP2,1 ovvero di un sistema Mac distribuito da Apple agli sviluppatori: in accordo alle specifiche ufficiali di cui abbiamo discusso nelle...

 Apple to Use Intel Microprocessors Beginning in 2006
WWDC 2005, SAN FRANCISCO—June 6, 2005—At its Worldwide Developer Conference today, Apple announced plans to deliver models of its Macintosh computers using Intel microprocessors by this time next year, and to transition all of its Macs to using Intel microprocessors by the end of 2007. Apple previewed a version of its critically acclaimed operating...

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