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 SFFT Driver Alpha 22 - 3dfx Voodoo3/4/5 - Windows 2000/XP
SFFT's work continues without a break: we have just received a newer alpha release of his Windows 2000 and XP driver. It comes with two packages (one for VSA-100 cards and one for Voodoo3 family cards) and introduces - like news - a general bug fixing.SFFT Driver InstallationBecause this driver kit does not hold both installer utility and 3dfx Tools...

 SFFT Driver Alpha 21 - 3dfx Voodoo3/4/5 - Windows 2000/XP
SFFT's work continues without a break: we have just received a newer alpha release of his Windows 2000 and XP driver. It comes with two packages (one for VSA-100 cards and one for Voodoo3 family cards) and introduces - like news - a general bug fixing.SFFT Driver InstallationBecause this driver kit does not hold both installer utility and 3dfx Tools...

 SFFT Driver Alpha 20 - 3dfx Voodoo3/4/5 - Windows 2000/XP
Newer SFFT driver - alpha release 20 - for Microsoft Windows 2000 and XP OSes. It comes with two packages (one for VSA-100 cards and one for Voodoo3 family cards) and introduces - like news - a general bug fixing and adds better compatibility with NFSU (VSA-100 cards only).SFFT Driver InstallationBecause this driver kit does not hold both installer...

 New Voodoo2 driver that overcome Memmap issue under Win2K-XP
Da Koolsmoky un nuovo set di driver per Voodoo2 che permette di risolvere il noto problema del "memmap error" con chipset Nforce2 e svariate schede video. Questo driver deve essere installato da pannello di controllo. From Koolsmoky a new driver in beta for Voodoo2 cards that overcome the memmap issue under winxp with Nforce2 chipset. This driver...

 SFFT Driver Alpha 19 - 3dfx Voodoo3/4/5 - Windows 2000/XP
SFFT's work continues without a break: we have just received a newer alpha release of his Windows 2000 and XP driver. It comes with two packages (one for VSA-100 cards and one for Voodoo3 family cards) and introduces - like news - a general bug fixing.SFFT Driver InstallationBecause this driver kit does not hold both installer utility and 3dfx Tools...

 SFFT Alpha 18 - 3dfx Voodoo3/4/5 - Windows 2000/XP
Newer SFFT alpha 18 driver release is available to download: it comes out with two packages, one for Voodoo3 cards and one for VSA-100 cards.This was built without 3dfx Tools so you would install by "Update Driver" table in "Device Manager" --> "Video Card" panel.Your feedback is useful giving us help to developing so you could post your report in SFFT...

 Amigamerlin 3.1 R2 for 3dfx Voodoo5 cards: testing in progress
A new Amigamerlin driver release, v. 3.1 R2, is now under beta testing. This kit introduces some interesting new features against previous Amigamerlin and SFFT Windows 2000/XP solutions for 3dfx Voodoo5 5500 PCI/AGP and 3dfx Voodoo5 6000 AGP. In fact it uses Mesa library as OpenGL ICD so making possibile to execute "on the fly" OpenGL games;...

 SFFT alpha 17 - 3dfx Voodoo3/4/5 - Windows 2000/XP
Newer SFFT alpha 16 driver release is available to download: it comes out with two packages, one for Voodoo3 cards and one for VSA-100 cards.This was built without 3dfx Tools so you would install by "Update Driver" table in "Device Manager" --> "Video Card" panel.Your feedback is useful giving us help to developing so you could post your report in SFFT...

 Doom 3 Patch for 3dfx Voodoo2 cards is mirroring Doom 3 patch v. 1.0 for Voodoo2 cards: it updates some game components and makes possible Doom 3 playing with hardware systems using 3dfx Voodoo2 cards (single and SLI setup) as secondary display device. It requires WickedGL and a speed cpu to get a high frame rate. Su è on line la patch v. 1.0 per...

 SFFT alpha 16 - 3dfx Voodoo3/4/5 - Windows 2000/XP
Newer SFFT alpha 16 driver release is available to download: it comes out with two packages, one for Voodoo3 cards and one for VSA-100 cards.This was built without 3dfx Tools so you would install by "Update Driver" table in "Device Manager" --> "Video Card" panel.Your feedback is useful giving us help to developing so you could post your report in SFFT...

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