Come si evince dal comunicato stampa che segue, pubblicato da Gabor Cselle, fondatore e CEO di reMail, una software house che sviluppa l'applicazione omonima ben nota ai possessori delle device di Apple iPhone e iPod Touch, ha annunciato l'acquisizione della sua società da parte di Google. Lo stesso Cselle è stato interessato da un cambiamento delle proprie mansioni professionali, poichè è divenuto un Product Manager presso il team di Google Gmail.
reMail è un programma che permette il download della posta da un account Gmail verso un iPhone o iPod Touch e, soprattutto, di eseguire ricerche di testo, anche avanzate, ovvero con l'ausilio di operatori booleani, sulle e-mail in modalità off line, e di salvare la cronologia delle ricerche.
Apple si è affrettata a rimuovere reMail dal suo App Store.

I'm thrilled to announce that Google has acquired reMail! I will be joining Google in Mountain View as a Product Manager on the Gmail team.
Gmail is where my obsession with email started as an engineering intern back in 2004, and I'm thrilled to be coming back to a place with so many familiar faces. reMail's goal was reimagine mobile email, and I'm proud we have built a product that so many users find useful. Still, I feel like we've only seen the beginning of what's possible. Google is the best place in the world to improve the status quo on how people communicate and share information. If you have what it takes to make these changes happen, I encourage you to reach out and come join me.
You might be wondering what will happen with reMail's product. Google and reMail have decided to discontinue reMail's iPhone application, and we have removed it from the App Store. reMail is an application on your phone. If you already have reMail, it will continue to work. We'll even provide support for you until the end of March, and we've enabled all paid reMail features for you: You can activate these by clicking "Restore Purchases" inside the app. reMail downloads email directly from your email provider to your phone, and your personal information, passwords, and email are never sent to or stored on our servers.
I want to take this opportunity to thank the people that helped make reMail a success. Fabian Siegel, Einar Vollset, Sridhar Srinivasan, Paul Bohm, Marissa Coughlin, Erol Koc, Matt Ronge, and Stefano Barbato have all contributed to building a great product. Our investors saw the potential in improving mobile email and took a bet on reMail in the darkest days of the recession. I couldn't be more grateful to YCombinator: Paul Graham, Jessica Livingston, Kate Courteau, and Trevor Blackwell all have provided invaluable guidance. Paul Buchheit and Sanjeev Singh endured my slide deck on our multi-step plan for global email domination, and pointed out that instead I should build something small, simple, and useful. It worked.
Source: reMail Press Release