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Sei in: Home  News  Corsair annuncia il kit di DDR3 Dominator GTX 8GB 2400MHz
Corsair annuncia il kit di DDR3 Dominator GTX 8GB 2400MHz
a cura di Giacomo Usiello | pubblicato il 27 maggio 2011
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Corsair ha annunciato la disponibilità sul mercato, e più in dettaglio presso il webstore ufficiale, di un kit di DIMM DDR3 da 8GB, basato sulla tecnologia Dominator GTX ed ottimizzato per le configurazioni dual-channel.

In accordo al produttore, i moduli Dominator GTX inclusi nel kit lavorano a 2400MHz con una tensione di polarizzazione pari a 1.65V e un profilo di timing pari a 9-11-10-30.

I kit Dominator GTX 8GB 2400MHz sono dotati delle tecnologie proprietarie per il raffreddamento HX+ e AirFlow 2 GTL Cooling Fan; il costo dei prodotti, peraltro disponibili in quantità limitata, è pari $499.

[Immagine ad alta risoluzione]

Corsair, a worldwide designer and supplier of high-performance components to the PC gaming hardware market, today announced the production of a Dominator GTX 8GB dual-channel DDR3 kit guaranteed to operate at 2400MHz, with latency settings of 9-11-10-30, at a memory voltage of 1.65V.

The 2400MHz kits are the result of a painstaking four-stage component screening process which is passed by fewer than one in 20 memory ICs. Qualification is performed on an Intel P55 motherboard, using the same rigorous test cycle applied to the rest of Corsair’s Memory product line.

"The purpose of these kits is to help overclockers explore the limits of memory performance," said Giovanni Sena, Director of Memory Products at Corsair. "They’re the product of careful screening, selection, and testing, and we’re eager to see what enthusiasts will do with them. As long as our customers are obsessed with making computers faster and more powerful, we’ll continue producing extraordinary memory kits to help make that happen."

The Dominator GTX 8GB 2400MHz kit comes complete with Corsair’s patented DHX+ heatsink and an AirFlow 2 GTL Cooling Fan for exceptional thermal performance. It may be purchased from Corsair’s webstore for $499 USD. Limited quantities are available. For more information on this and other Corsair Dominator memory products, please visit the Corsair web site.

Source: Corsair Press Release
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