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Sei in: Home  News  Club 3D annuncia la video card 3D Radeon HD 7870 Eyefinity 6
Club 3D annuncia la video card 3D Radeon HD 7870 Eyefinity 6
a cura di Giacomo Usiello | pubblicato il 1 giugno 2012
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Club 3D ha annunciato la scheda video Club 3D Radeon HD 7870 Eyefinity 6, una soluzione progettata per offrire il meglio di se in ambito multi-monitor. La Radeon HD 7870 Eyefinity 6 di Club 3D, infatti, è la prima video card, appartenente alla linea Radeon HD 7000 di AMD, dotata di sei connettori di uscita di tipo mini DisplayPort.

La nuova scheda grafica di Club 3D è basata sulla gpu a 28nm Radeon HD 7870 di AMD; il core grafico lavora a 1GHz, anche se può essere configurato in overcloking fino a 1.1GHz, in accordo al produttore. La memoria RAM, implementata con 2GB di RAM G-DDR5, opera invece a 4800MHz (in termini di valore effettivo) ed è collegata al processore grafico attraverso un bus a 256-bit.

Il pieno supporto della tecnologia Eyefinity 2.0 e l'equipaggiamento con sei porte mini DP consente alla Radeon HD 7870 Eyefinity 6 di gestire fino a sei monitor e di fornire in output un segnale in formato Ultra HD 4096p.

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Club 3D proudly presents the Club 3D Radeon HD 7870 Eyefinity 6 graphics card, the world's first Radeon HD 7000 series graphics card to feature 6 mini DisplayPort outputs, and harnesses the power to unleash incredible scalability, productivity and immersive HD gaming performance, making it the definitve solution for those who refuse to compromise.

Get ready for the future with 28nm GPU technology, Graphics Core Next Architecture, AMD App Acceleration and support for Ultra HD 4096p resolutions and PCI Express 3.0. If you expect above average performance of your Graphics card, Club 3D CoolStream High Performance Cooling Technology is just the kind of high performance that you have been looking for.

Club 3D CoolStream features high performance heatpipes that keeps the components cool and outperforms standard cooling solutions. Transferring heat from the center area to each fin, ensuring enhanced heat dissipation. The result is a dramatic increase of performance for your gaming and multimedia experience.

The GigaHertz barrier has been broken. Clocked to a blistering 1GHz, the Club 3D Radeon HD 7870 Eyefinity 6 GPU offers more than the world's most advanced graphics: it offers the incredible performance every gamer deserves. The Club 3D Radeon HD 7870 Eyefinity 6 graphics card comes standard at 1GHz GPU clock speed with an overclocking headroom at 1.1GHz and Beyond.

Eyefinity 2.0 Technology features all-new support for Stereo 3D, universal bezel compensation and brand new display configurations which allows the user to configure custom resolutions and the ability to relocate the Windows task bar to an arbitrary screen.

For more information, visit the product page.

Source: Club 3D Press Release
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